New plants...


Active Member
I started about a month ago with a lot of seeds. I am not growing your typical kind buds, because I am from Michigan and we get that rarely around here... especially seeds for it. I have good buds though... they are high mid-grade pot, so I am excited about a huge harvest.

I have about 35 plants growing right now, all about a month old. I have been using 6: 20 watt Sylvania flourescent lights, a fan all day on low, an air purifier with no scents (I'm sure that's not good for it so I don't put it in there...), and I have it ventilated by a window (I'm not the richest man, and can't afford ducts and all that). :hump:

I have my babies on a 24 hour light schedule... I am using Milorganite (6-2-0) AND Garden Club Select Plant Food (Organic also. 10-2-8) :hump:

My problem is, on some of my plants, the bottom leaves are growing yellowish brown and curling underneath. I have also had problems with phospherous and nitrogen deficiencies but I took care of those with ease (

I would like to know now if things are going wrong so I don't cause any trauma on these lovely ladies.

Is it my lighting, my ferts, or just cuz I am dumb?
Help a nigga out... I'm trying to feed my family :)

I will enclose pics if I know how...


Active Member
i would say that you def need more light, how many lumens is each one of those fluorescents putting out