New RIU layout sucks huge hairy, salty, balls.


Well-Known Member
I hate this new layout.

The image uploader is gay. It decided which pictures it wants
to upload, then stops uploading all together.

And why the hell would I want to see all my previously uploaded images?
WTF sense does that make?

Why can't I delete previously uploaded images?

Why can't I see rep buttons anymore?

Why can't I change my forum skin back to blzin '07?


I don't like this new layout, and the thing that sucks is before this "2010" layout,
we were always able to change the forum skin back if we didn't like the new one,

now we're stuck with this crap.

I don't like coming to RIU and seeing huge ads instead of the recent threads and posts like
it used to be. Its like once RIU was updated, ads and new
flash applications were the priority.

(I know there are recent posts, but its brushed to the side of the webpage, with
Ads being visible as all get out)

This new layout isn't meant for ease of use like the last ones.
It seems like RIU is trying to keep up with the Jones with all this new

crap that SUCKS!

I don't even use myspace anymore because they added to much "junk" also referred
to as "apps".

The original GrowFAQ seems to be missing also.

Why can't there be the subjects like there used to be instead of RIU's really
shitty search engine looking thru the FAQ? The RIU search engine has always sucked, so I've always used google to find stuff on RIU.

If someone can tell me:

-If theres a rep system
-If theres any possible way to change forum skins
-how to delete recently uploaded images
-how to stop the image uploader from freezing

Then I'll quit bitching, but until then, I'm very displeased with this
new layout. :evil:


Well-Known Member
And another problem,

The new layout moves the cursor to "quick reply" every time I click on the green Post Reply Button.
I have to right click "Post Reply" and open it in a new tab to get it to go advanced.

Just another annoyance.


Well-Known Member
This section is dead fdd.

Thats why I posted it in Toke n Talk because there is no one in the support section helping as far
as I can read.

The lasts posts are from years and months ago.

Do you have any help to offer?


Well-Known Member
rollitup is the only one who can fix any of it and i don't think he hangs out in toke-n-talk. he may be in the chat room.

my image loader never times out on me. but i do see the other things you mentioned.


Staff member
-If theres a rep system

Yes at the bottom of the post you will see a star icon click that

-If theres any possible way to change forum skins
No the forum software was upgraded and the old templates are not compatible

-how to delete recently uploaded images
If you were using your blog you would have full control over everything

-how to stop the image uploader from freezing
Is anyone else having this problem ? Your internet could be the culprit of the timeout.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, I miss the old ROLL IT UP myself. There's a saying that goes "IF IT AIN'T BROKE...DON'T FIX IT" , and "LEAVE WELL ENOUGH ALONE". When people get used to something , that's usually when a change happens.


Well-Known Member
-If theres a rep system

Yes at the bottom of the post you will see a star icon click that

-If theres any possible way to change forum skins
No the forum software was upgraded and the old templates are not compatible

-how to delete recently uploaded images
If you were using your blog you would have full control over everything

-how to stop the image uploader from freezing
Is anyone else having this problem ? Your internet could be the culprit of the timeout.
When I said how to delete recently uploaded pictures, I meant the ones that pop up when
I click on "manage attachments".

When I click on manage attachments, ALL of my recently uploaded pictures from when I first
joined are on there.

I want to delete them because its annoying to see 80 old pictures that have no reason
to still be there.

There is NO option on the new "journal" feature to delete these pictures.
I checked.


Well-Known Member
aren't those pics out in a thread somewhere? if you delete them then you will leave blank spots on the threads.