new room


Well-Known Member
Where does the filter in the bloom room push?

I dig it a lot though! I can't wait to get moved cuz I'm steppin it up from a cab grow to a room/basement grow. I wanna grow a lot! Especially since the FEDs REALLY REALLY REALLY want the black market to kick back up by stomping out the despinceries (they lowball bad on your stuff). So mas for me!


New Member
I don't think you will need a scrubber in your veg room or in the workspace; definitely not 2 in the work space. I'd get rid of them and save the money. Also, how are you cooling the veg room? You could get a fan with a thermostat controller and put it on the wall between the flower room and the veg room. Suck cool air from the flower room. Plus, with 2000w I'm not sure that portable a/c will do the trick. Be prepared to get another one.


Active Member
There is only one scrubber in the workspace, because I smoke in there and its gonna smell with the flower room only recirculating and not exhausting. The second one you see is actually for my dryer.
The veg room is cooled by the scrubber, and having mother plants in there its gonna smell a bit. I run an almost identical veg room now, and temp and humidity are perfect with the scrubber running 24/7.
Also I think my 10000btu AC will do the job. It was keeping 2000w cool in my 5x5 tent, I only turned them down to avoid bleaching. This area will be a bit bigger than that. Also forgot to add co2 and circ. fans to the drawing.