New rooted clone problems


Well-Known Member
I don't know a lot, but I know a little about this and that you....View attachment 5098466
I actually grabbed a chicks ass in a record store in Seattle that I thought was my girlfriend. This chick turned around and thought I was just hitting on her and she seemed into it. I was freaking our going "Oh Sorry I Thought You Were Someone Else". And turned around and looked for my girlfriend to go tell her what I just did, :lol:


Well-Known Member
Not mine, it’s gush mints strain, I got off a semi reliable source, it was pretty resilient, decent yielder with flavor and potency allegedly.
Well, I usually clone good phenos, but this run, I ran about 36 new plants of 2 different strains, and 6 of them have basically died. The others grew out of control. You can see a video tour on my grow journal about different phenos of the same strain on like page 64. All seeds will grow differently, even within the same strain. Journal is in my sig.
EDIT: All the ones that struggled, or died on the vine were from the same mother.... NEVER buy seeds from NukeHeads.


Well-Known Member
This is my first real indoor grow. I wanted to start out with a guaranteed Pheno so I went with a clone. I don’t have the space or the light YET, to Pheno hunt, when I do I plan to pop 2 breeder packs. I know you really have to throw a lot of shots out there to find the winners and I’m not set up or prepared for that yet.


Well-Known Member
This is my first real indoor grow. I wanted to start out with a guaranteed Pheno so I went with a clone. I don’t have the space or the light YET, to Pheno hunt, when I do I plan to pop 2 breeder packs. I know you really have to throw a lot of shots out there to find the winners and I’m not set up or prepared for that yet.
Do you have a soil source where you are? Some happy frog will do ya some justice. You can transplant it every 3 weeks and just feed water. The food is already in there for ya. Just keep ph in check and you should be alright. It will be up to you and the light gods to get the rest done.


Well-Known Member
Do you really run 24/7?... I can see my plants wilting on the last hour of 18/6....they need that break. Next time the lights pop on, they are at attention.
Oh ya. 24/0 then 12/12. Ren does the same thing.

I tried 18/6, but all I noticed was they stretched more.
The light duration is also affected/determined by the intensity (PPFD). It's another part of that equation that can be adjusted. (Edit: By the way, what I was meaning say here was DLI: intensity and duration equating to DLI/daily lighting integral, and how we can adjust the first two while keeping the DLI the same, if we need to. That's all.) And some do 24/0 for veg due to temp/rh stability needs, like samwell said.

VPD requires that third variable of plant temp (lst). It can be very misleading without knowing that part.

Edit: not "correcting" anyone, just trying to add to discussion.

Anyway, good luck @FlowerPower88. I didn't see what kinda light you're using. If you can afford one, get an ir thermometer "gun", they're not expensive.
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Well-Known Member
The light duration is also affected/determined by the intensity (PPFD). It's another part of that equation that can be adjusted. And some do 24/0 for veg due to temp/rh stability needs, like samwell said.

VPD requires that third variable of plant temp (lst). It can be very misleading without knowing that part.

Edit: not "correcting" anyone, just trying to add to discussion.

Anyway, good luck @FlowerPower88. I didn't see what kinda light you're using. If you can afford one, get an ir thermometer "gun", they're not expensive.

Star Dog

Well-Known Member
With the exception of mid summer I veg under 24hrs, lol idk wtf DLI is (I know what it stands for) i've not had any trouble under constant light.
Using sing 24hrs you can go from cloning to flipping in 3 weeks, seedlings to flip in 28/32 days.
Idk the technical terms :-) but I've reasonable hands on experience, clones 3 weeks later just into 12-12.
I like 24hrs.


Well-Known Member
The light duration is also affected/determined by the intensity (PPFD). It's another part of that equation that can be adjusted. (Edit: By the way, what I was meaning say here was DLI: intensity and duration equating to DLI/daily lighting integral, and how we can adjust the first two while keeping the DLI the same, if we need to. That's all.) And some do 24/0 for veg due to temp/rh stability needs, like samwell said.

VPD requires that third variable of plant temp (lst). It can be very misleading without knowing that part.

Edit: not "correcting" anyone, just trying to add to discussion.

Anyway, good luck @FlowerPower88. I didn't see what kinda light you're using. If you can afford one, get an ir thermometer "gun", they're not expensive.
I’ve just got that under a cfl as it’s just barely been transplanted and all I’m going to do with it is hack away at it, once it’s stable and has solid growth. I’m just gonna make a short squat little baby bush…hopefully. I do have a cypress led and a T5 fixture as well


Well-Known Member
So update, after lights off she has come back more upright, leaves still look shot, vpd is definitely in range, should I just transplant into some better soil today and send the miracle grow down the road…btw, not that I need to explain myself, but I feel the need to explain myself…it’s not like I was just, “I’m gonna get this miracle grow, I bet that will grow awesome weed!” It’s just the clone came 6 days before it was supposed to, which is one of the few things where earlier than expected shipping times are a con. No one was home when it was supposed to be delivered so I had to go pick it up later at the PO and I didn’t have the things I needed, so I had to improvise, I went to lowes (that and Walmart are the only garden stores in my town), and asked for there soil…the lady pointed at a bag of grass seed and said right there :dunce:…so I asked someone with a beard, and they pointed me the right way, and they literally only had miracle grow branded products, so I had not much option in a pinch as I had a clone drying out waiting, and I’m not growing this particular clone is not going to the flower room, so ideal nutrient concentrations weren’t a concern, I didn’t realize how crazy that soil was though. I just hope this resilient little girl makes it…I mean for 24 hours the runoff from the soil was 3.6 ec (and honestly a LOT higher, bc that’s just as high as my truncheon reads and I flushed it 3 times to get that number to drop) That’s more than I would feed a heavy feeder in flower.!!


Well-Known Member
That’s what I was always under the impression of, but his theory on the most burning up seems plausible, the leaves dry off very quickly even with the done on
I switched 2 weeks ago to 18/6 for lighting & my baby is thriving !! Use better soil too !
I just repotted in this stuff pretty cheap too especially if you can find it locally!



Well-Known Member
I switched 2 weeks ago to 18/6 for lighting & my baby is thriving !! Use better soil too !
I just repotted in this stuff pretty cheap too especially if you can find it locally!
So I started doing 18/6 I think that’s better, I’ve been misting at night, there are a few newer leaves that look much better, but the lower leaves are burnt. The miracle gro definitely cooked it a little, but I got it out into something like you have pictured about a week ago, the soil I have is .19% nitrogen and the P-K numbers are lower than yours. I am still noticing improvement over the indoor potting mix though (it was my ONLY option). I’m not seeing much new growth though, very minute. Will it recover, I figure if it’s alive 10 days after I got it, she’s probably gonna make it, but how long until I have enough fresh undamaged growth to cloned her?


Well-Known Member
Also what’s your watering schedule look like? I’m watering mine once a day lightly about 30 mins after lights on


Well-Known Member
So I feel confident my mom to be is going to survive, but any tips on now pushing the growth, I’m still using the propagation swath of the Vpd chart, cause it was clearly so damaged, it seems like it was obv. Nutrient burn, followed by a harsh environment for a few days, then when I got it within VPD range I had it too cool so it was not actually growing as much as living…but now with new soil and better watering habits 18/6 lighting the new growth is healthier, but it still has burned tips and isn’t the lush green color you would want to clone. So my question is, how long until this thing bounces back to where I can use the genetics and does anyone have any tips on what I can do to help it along now that it’s stabilizing. Here’s a picture of her new growth, Mind you I pruned off the straight up dead foliage.

