New roots new clones now wtf do I do?

finally got roots on my clones thanks to the help of some fellow members here in this fine community of bud smokers now I want to know what to do next should I add solution to the water for nutrition or leave it tap until I plant them in soil I use general hydroponic nutrients like a noob that’s on a budget I have had a crop go pretty well with it I will probably Stick to it but open to other nutrients I would like to add some of the grow formula to my water if possible I have the flora nova series and i also have the regular flora series of nutrients plus some other odds and ends like floralicios florablend here is some more info and pics of my setup in my last post any help would be great


Well-Known Member
If they have roots then plant them. If you looking for a good nutrient then give Mega Crop a try, everyone else is. And one more thing, next time add a few periods or commas in there, makes reading allot easier.