New Seed Order. What Strain???


New Member
I will be making a seed order soon. I want a strain that I can harvest quickly. I want a strain that is strong and flavorful. I want a high yielder. I know I'm asking alot, but there has to be a few strains that you can get all of these qualitys out of. I am limited to seed, and need it in the US. Any recommendations? Open to trying SOG, supercropping,or lolly popping. Or just letting them grow, lol. I just want a high quality, high output, and fast grow cycle.


i would recomend either cinderella99 or big bud although iv heard big bud is not super intense in its high iv smoked cinderrla 99 and damn its good


I'd honestly recommend Nirvana's Blue Mystic, I have 2 weeks left on her and going to harvest, low odor (i don't even have a carbon filter) also really good yielder. and easy to grow.


Active Member
Check into a atrain called dynamite almost pure indica its a squat growing indica with heavy yeilds and super quick flowering times by far my fav strain be warned super high thc
PPP is a huge yeilder grate cash cropper although it's a sativa rather then an indica it stays small has very very compact buds and flowers in 8-9weeks from seed if you have the chance to do clones after PPP has to be the quickest and most productive plant for the job around 7 weeks from 12-12 to finish SOG Style Lollipopping will easy produce 1-2oz per sq ft no problems, despite this strain being very strong and a high high rather then couchlock very high yeilding, it will also sell for the best dolla making it one of the most used strains for people wanting to make £££


New Member
Big Bud: my friend has made several attempts with nirvanas big bud and it is crap. They discontinued it I believe. What is a good seed bank to get it from? Thanks
Cinderella 99: will try. Thanks
Blue Mystic: my same friend loves blue mystic, from nirvana, and gave me 5 seeds. Can't wait to try them. Havnt even smoked it yet bc my friend lives a couple of states away. Thanks
PPP: I have been thinking about that one. I don't have a setup for a mother plant, but I would still like to try it. Thanks
Skunk #1: how's this one taste? Thanks


New Member
Dynamite: love that stuff. Gives me an uppity high.
I just don't have any experience with growing any of these. Or anything period, lol. On first grow.
Has anyone grown spoetnik? That is some killer smoke. I have one feminized growing now. I would love to know what to expect with her.
Keep it coming friends. Lovin the good info


Active Member
Northern Lights X Big Bud.
very Easy to grow because of the NL, and heavy yielding because the BB.
From "World Of Seeds" and attitude sells them for $45 for 3 feminised.\
Here are the Details on it

World of Seeds Medical Collection Northern Lights x Big Bud: Northen lights winner of the 88 ,89 and 1990 cannabis cup; crossed with BIG BUD ( one of the most commercial plants in the 80´sand 90´s because of its production) makes it ideal for indoors because of their resin covered buds. Northern Lights x Big Bud is of great medical value and ideal against anxiety because of their equally percentage of cannabinoids and ideal for growers with little space because of its great production. Its high value in CBD gives you the sensation of a middle high.Northern Lights x Big Bud could be used for any therapeutic use. Northern Lights x Big Bud cannabis seeds can be cultivated indoors and takes cannnabis seeds 45-55 days to flower. It's cannabis seedsare highly resistant to disease and mould. Northern Lights x Big Bud effects are high.

doby mick

Active Member
HERAJUANA Look on the opengrow forum people are complaining that it is too strong, I have done this one myself and was very pleased with the results, its by Sannie and what a gentleman, i had one problem right at the begining with one of my purchases, but pointed it out to Sannie and he sorted it straight away, anyway Google Sannies seeds and you will find it. Doby Mick


New Member
Correction, not your version. I'm getting some kind of herijuana jack something another. I always try to GED a couple seeds of whatever everyone I know orders. When I grow all one strain I'll still have an extra plant or two of another strain. I like variety.


Active Member
If you already ordered im sure you picked something great. But I just ordered from ATTITUDE and decided on the Holy Grail by DNA. The Holy Grail is a cross between OG #18 and Kosher Kush, it was the first strain to ever win a perfect score in the Cannabis Cup. Yes, perfect score, that means that they thought it was so good that they gave it a score that no other strain has ever gotten or will ever be able to beat. Im pretty excited to start growing it. Idk if links are allowed but heres the link...


New Member
Sounds fire Naturalist! Holy grails def going on the list! How good is attitude about deliveries? How long to get order and is it stealth? Reliable?
Omar, sorry about the ppp. What company's ppp is it?


Active Member
This is my first order from them, so i cant tell you first hand yet... But the reasons that I chose them is because of the overwhelming support for them from the RIU community, huge selection, tuns of freebees when you take advantage of their promos, and the best part is that they guarantee delivery if you add the $13 TShirt option at check out, I guess the seeds are much more likley to make it through customs if hiddin in a Tshirt and if they dont they will replace your order for free! I like that option cuz I just dropped almost $200 on seeds and im not trying to risk loosing that!