new seedlings leaves turning yellow


Ursus marijanus
Probably the dirt. Bad pH, sodium content, dog pee ... the list is endless. An immediate rescue into real potting soil might save'm. cn


Active Member
If its dirt from your lawn could be a few things, could be too little nutrients could be ph, it could also be over fertilization if you are giving them food...
I bought the dirt from a store and i did feed them twice with grow big. I dont think its the dirt because the one plant is in soil and its turning yellow too


Active Member
Same shit happened to my plants except my seedlings are around 33/34 days old now They started to yellow on me few days ago same thing in your pics
So I just transplannted into bigger containers useing better homemade Soilmix that I made it is Half Coco Coir / half Potting Soil / and about 30% Perilite

and They seem to be doing alot better today still yellowish but I think I can say i've noticed improvement slowly.

Yeah the first pic when I first planted my seedlings all I had was shitty Miracle Grow Potting Mix that was 0.14-0.14-0.14 the Slow feeding kind and they were doing alright for a little then I noticed that everytime I watered them they were getting burned (overfed) from the soil.


Well-Known Member
Could it b4 that I'm using dirt as soil?
You bet your ass it is, there is nothing and i mean nothing in that 'dirt' that the plants can use and now they are nearly dead at least very stressed. Feed them veg nutes asap, reduce watering raise the light and pray for a miracle.


Well-Known Member
I bought the dirt from a store and i did feed them twice with grow big. I dont think its the dirt because the one plant is in soil and its turning yellow too
Then it is soil...not dirt

You burnt them with nutes... NO nutes until later, never in first three weeks of life...
Thanks for the feedback everyone, i'm gonna transplant then into bigger pots with a mix of soil and perlite and not feed again for another 2 weeks and pray it they start doing better lol