new seeds and water?help......


Hi people I'm new to growing mj, I have read the how to guides but I have encounted a problem. I have the seeds cracked open and planted in a dirt medium and under the light but it seems to dry the medium out really quickly. How moist should the dirt be for the seeds to take root? They are under a 400w hps bulb which is about 14" above the soil. Thanks in advance

Illegal Smile

Do not use any light until you see green! Keep the soil moist, like the paper towels when you were germinating them. Hope you haven't cooked them.


Active Member
Hi people I'm new to growing mj, I have read the how to guides but I have encounted a problem. I have the seeds cracked open and planted in a dirt medium and under the light but it seems to dry the medium out really quickly. How moist should the dirt be for the seeds to take root? They are under a 400w hps bulb which is about 14" above the soil. Thanks in advance
Well I'm fairly new to the whole growing scene but for one thing you don't need your 400w hps that close to the seeds. Take it up to at least 24" above your seedlings that way they are still getting well enough light to grow after they emerge from the soil but it wont dry out as fast. As for how wet the soil should be I'm not quite sure because i always use the paper towel method, but just try and keep it so the shell has always got moisture on it, DO NOT over water it so that the seed has soaking soil all around it or the seed will go moldy (thats what happened on my first seeds).
When it starts to grow, if it shoots up towards to the light and goes all lanky try and lower the light a little but do not burn the seedling. Lowering the light with prevent stretching.


Misguided Angel
I use a fluorescent set up for my seedlings, they don't need the amount of light or heat from a 400w yet. I use my fluoro set up from the time I plant the seed until it is roughly the same size as my container, then i transplant it into it's final home and then throw it under my 400w. It is pretty easy to cook the poor little seedlings with hps.