New Setup!! Help on materials needed! REP++


My friend has just moved into a new place and has a great space for a grow setup. It is located in a corner room of the very large basment of the house.
The previous owner had been growing hundreds of tomato plants, so the space is already somewhat setup for growing!
I need help with all the materials needed to grow at max 6 plants in this space.
We have:
1 250w HPS
3 60w CFLs
1 homemade carbon scrubber

With that said, what do else do I need and where should i get it?


we could, there is already a setup that was for tomato plants that had two levels. It would require some work, but that is def an option.


Well-Known Member
I would get a 600w hps for flower and use cfl's to veg. you need fresh air in and out It all depends on what you want to grow and what you want to spend. That 250w is just not much of a light. I use a 400w atm and it gets crowded for 6 plants.


New Member
Are you growing in dirt or hydro? If you want yeld No way will 250 HPS and a few cfl cover 6 plants. I would go with a 600watt HPS with a digital ballist minimun. Iam budding 4 plants and I have a 1000 and 600watt HPS on a light rail and that just does it. Depending on how you are going to grow youll need diffrent style nutrients. I grow hydro for fastist indoor grows that is the way to go. I use General Hydroponics three part system.


We will be growing in dirt. And i already have a bottle of super thrive and Foxfarms grow big i think.
I understand that a 250w will not cover six plants. What i meant was what in addition to the 250w what do we need?
Would a 250w and a 400w be enough, or do we really need the 600w as well?
If we only had four plants, would two 250w HPS be enough?
In addition where can i buy HPS lights that isnt online?


Well-Known Member
you get about a 3x3 grow area with the 400w 4x4 is pushing it. but the 600 is cheaper to run vs light out put. I would scrap the 250w or use it in the veg area with the cfl's. you'll need ducting fans mylar for the walls


Ok so you think i should switch the bulb with a 600w instead of a 250w? Should i even go up to a 1000w? How much extra electricity would a 1000w use?
Also there are already florescent tubes as well as heating coils there. Can i use the fluorescent tubes and CFLs for veg and seedling growth and then use the 600w or 100w for flower?


Well-Known Member
Yea the tubes and cfl will do great for veg, if your getting a 600 watt you have to get a 600 watt ballast is well its not just a switch of bulb you prob already knew that but just in case!


Well-Known Member
Yes you can and my setup runs about 45.00 a month 400w hps,1-80w 1-100w cfl 3-43w cfl 4-fans. air pump sometimes.


Thanks thats really helpful. How much do you think it would cost to run:
1 250w HPS
1 400w HPS
a dehumidifier
2 fans
and possibly an air pump?


Well-Known Member
35-45 would be a guess depends on power rates. I think my est. is a little high for mine.


Well-Known Member
do you have alot of humidity in your outside air? you will need at least two more fans. the plants realy need lots of outside fresh air.


Yea I've got plenty of fans, thats one thing that is definitely covered.
Im working out how we r going to do the grow.
I think the materials we are going to have are:
1 400w HPS
1 250w HPS
florescents and CFL's for veg
mutiple fans
carbon filter
and plenty of space to figure what technique we want to use.

That being said, what do you think the best setup would be for those materials?


Well-Known Member
use the 250 for back up light. It's a waste of power for the most part.
4x4 flower area for the 400w great for four plants. I do 5-7 with mine. as the plants grow you can add the 250w for extra light. I add 42w cfl's. the 250 would be beter to use just for the hps
I still grow in soil but moving into dwc.