New site layout! What do you like? What do you not like?

Silly String

Well-Known Member
I'm still navigating the newness of the site, but I find I really dislike how faint the dates are, on the thread "start date". My like button keeps disappearing. I wasn't able to upload a picture. I'm sure these are just glitches, and will be fixed with time, and/or more posts by me.

The most distressing thing is when the big red and black sign appears saying, "Sorry! You have been blocked!"

WTF? I'm, like, one of the nice ones! I never call people bad names, or bully people! Jeesh. Now I'm all butt hurt.
frownie face.


Staff member
I'm still navigating the newness of the site, but I find I really dislike how faint the dates are, on the thread "start date". My like button keeps disappearing. I wasn't able to upload a picture. I'm sure these are just glitches, and will be fixed with time, and/or more posts by me.

The most distressing thing is when the big red and black sign appears saying, "Sorry! You have been blocked!"

WTF? I'm, like, one of the nice ones! I never call people bad names, or bully people! Jeesh. Now I'm all butt hurt.
frownie face.
yeah were gunna fix that :) you are one of the nice ones!


Well-Known Member
Having done this for years, in on the very invention of the tech we use, etc, I can say this went enormously smoothly.

Once you get the base software running and stable, then you bring in your functions CAREFULLY as modules.

That is why you upgrade to a modern base in the first place.

Dirty Harry

Well-Known Member
I use a number of devices. The manufacturers of some of them have FBs hand so far up their butt that I am pretty sure that I would have to do a bunch of things to make them not log in automatic like. I consider it highly unwelcome on a site like this. It also seems like it might invite more failspammys.
EXACTLY! I don't want someone sharing things I post anywhere or have it show up on all their contacts walls as new activity. Yes, they could copy and paste it, but with social networking links/options here, who knows how much info also gets collected and if others can find anothers social media identity.


Well-Known Member
EXACTLY! I don't want someone sharing things I post anywhere or have it show up on all their contacts walls as new activity. Yes, they could copy and paste it, but with social networking links/options here, who knows how much info also gets collected and if others can find anothers social media identity.
I had not even thought of that. The world is small enough, now we need to worry about telling tales (with identifiable details) that are increasingly likely to be read by people who we do not intend to see them. Sure it is all public, but searching for something is a lot different than stumbling across it.

I dunno if I slight RIU for this. It is asking a lot for them to not link in with Fb just to keep our anonymity. Or is it? Maybe this an adjustment we need to make.

Dirty Harry

Well-Known Member
I will be happy with NO social media profile log on options and NO social media hooks/links what so ever. A stand alone site username and password with no connections to anything else is perfectly fine with me.

joe macclennan

Well-Known Member
I use a number of devices. The manufacturers of some of them have FBs hand so far up their butt that I am pretty sure that I would have to do a bunch of things to make them not log in automatic like. I consider it highly unwelcome on a site like this. It also seems like it might invite more failspammys.
good point ubr

joe macclennan

Well-Known Member
I dunno if I slight RIU for this. It is asking a lot for them to not link in with Fb just to keep our anonymity. Or is it? Maybe this an adjustment we need to make.

no I don't think so. Due to the nature of the subject anonymity should be first and foremost.

for many of us this IS our fb.

if others want to post links or whatever in their fb from here. That's their business.

I do understand that having those social media links will garner more traffic, hence more money for the site for upgrades and's a bad trade off imo.
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Staff member
just putting it out there you have to PHYSICALLY log into them. most users wont.
in any regards they are just automatically put there from our new server, things will change perhaps those will aswell

may other grow sites have social media links too :D

i dunno for me...i just dont click it


Staff member
ubr claims some devices automatically login to such social media sites.

I dunno. sounds bad to me glad I don't do fb..etc
well your phone if you have fb its an app so its auto logged in but unless you physically LINK that account to your ROLLITUP account through your settings on riu you wont be able to do anything even than, if you some how click share ot fb on riu page, it will bring you to your fb app, than ask you who you want it to share it too via your wall
I mean you would have to be utterly , ....silly for lack of a better word to go through ALL those steps and still put it on your fb wall....

joe macclennan

Well-Known Member
well your phone if you have fb its an app so its auto logged in but unless you physically LINK that account to your ROLLITUP account through your settings on riu you wont be able to do anything even than, if you some how click share ot fb on riu page, it will bring you to your fb app, than ask you who you want it to share it too via your wall
I mean you would have to be utterly , ....silly for lack of a better word to go through ALL those steps and still put it on your fb wall....
ok, thanks for clearing that up sunni. You know we stoners are untrusting types :)

not trying to take up too much of your time. I know you are very busy right now.