New site layout! What do you like? What do you not like?


Well-Known Member
I can't post pictures it just says
The following error occurred
There was a problem uploading your file.

and my threads are not ordered correctly the top thread says last posted 2008....


Well-Known Member
no clue how to find your own threads my news feed only shows my friends threads so no idea man...this new layout is confusing as hell.
Not really all that confusing, just appears some stuff is missing.

Like just about everything that would keep me on this site, barring the people of course.


Well-Known Member
hi gang, illmake a thread on simple user functions, today hopefully but i have to leave town my grandfather passed away so , gunna work on it now for you guys okay?
Sorry to hear this, family should always come travels.


Well-Known Member
I'm having trouble uploading pictures via my Samsung S4. It's not letting me upload any pictures that have my plant in them. But say, a picture of my dog it's uploading just fine. Is the resolution in my pictures too much for the thread to handle or what? Like it's not even taking time to upload pics of my dog, just does it instsntly. But pics of the plant it acts like it's thinking for a while then says No File Chosen again in the attachment box. Please help


Staff member
I'm having trouble uploading pictures via my Samsung S4. It's not letting me upload any pictures that have my plant in them. But say, a picture of my dog it's uploading just fine. Is the resolution in my pictures too much for the thread to handle or what? Like it's not even taking time to upload pics of my dog, just does it instsntly. But pics of the plant it acts like it's thinking for a while then says No File Chosen again in the attachment box. Please help
your best bet toget help is int he thread admin started in the support section. i hope this helps you , at least in terms of being pointed in the right direction

Silly String

Well-Known Member
I'm glad the site is back up and running, and it's a little different (aka "weird"), but so far so good. I did find that when the site was down, I actually had to GO OUT and have face to face interactions (with the cool dudes at the local hydro shop) in order to get some info on yellowing plants, nutes, etc..... (I had a question about my tomatoes -- and yes, it REALLY was about tomatoes, but I couldn't get the hydro guys to believe it wasn't my usual "tomatoes" euphamism. lol).


Well-Known Member
Much better the site needed updating to compete with the others it was very dated. Much better now . Obviously a few things to iron out but a lot better


Well-Known Member
I kinda like the new layout.
I don't like the lack of options..
For anyone who thinks the new layout is too bright, turn down your brightness setting down on your pc and that should help soften the appearance. o_O


Well-Known Member
After over 15 months on this site, over 550 likes and I am just an active member.
I guess It's still based on who can type the fastest.
I had over 75% likes on everything I posted, not 1000s of posts.
(before they removed the like button)
Oh well, I guess I start over again.