New Socks!!!


Well-Known Member
in Japanese, they like to attribute syllables from the language to numbers (ie for phone numbers on commercials etc.)

Not to mention a LOT of Japanese horror games and movies have mysterious numbers that translate into syllables.

here's some of the most common attributions to the numbers:

2 = fu ni tsu
0 = o n to
4 = shi yo
8 = ha ba pa ya
6 = ro mu
3 = mi sa san

fu o yo ba ro mi

o fu ro ba mi yo

ofuroba miyo

ofuroba = the bathtub
miyo = older Japanese for "Look at" (commanding)

(for Japanese learners: "miro" and "miyou" are modern ways of saying it, but "miyo" (without the u) is the equivalent of modern "miro" in old Japanese)

"Look at the Bathtub"
Are you fuckin off with PS4 instead of a job Luke?
Nah the title of the thread just reminded me of that.


Well-Known Member
Freshly clipped toenails in clean socks and an air tight alibi.

These are a few of my favorite things.