New "Special Medical Grower" License? - Overages!!


Well-Known Member
I see Michigan passed some laws on Special Medical Growers or "SMG LICENSE" where a "Specialty Grower" can purchase overages from caregivers..

I'm doing quite well on my latest runs and beyond what I donate to cancer patients and people with cards I'm trying to figure out how to get rid of overages so they're not sitting around and going over my limit..

Any tips/advice or pointers? Trying to stay 100% legal and don't mind paying the man them taxes.
And from what I read a few months ago it was gunns be hard to jump through the hoops. Microbial testing is so strict in Michigan that basically any “home grown” would not pass. Doesn’t look good for the small guys.
And from what I read a few months ago it was gunns be hard to jump through the hoops. Microbial testing is so strict in Michigan that basically any “home grown” would not pass. Doesn’t look good for the small guys.

It looks like they passed the bills already. I'm trying to find me a SMG I can sell my overages to that'd be rad. Michigan is missing out on A LOT of money by not allowing home growers to supply dispensaries.

There should be strict microbial testing and testing for banned fungicides and pesticides as well. I firmly agree with that. You can pass microbial testing if you use PPE and don't have hippies trimming with their bare hands. I'd personally just switch to a Trimminator Mini Dry and touch up the #s myself with gloves and a N95 mask. I already have strict sanitary practices like between trimming sessions tables, scissors etc are soaked & wiped down with 99% ISO Alcohol. The floors are cleaned using bleach solution and the room has MERV 11 HEPA air purification.

Everything is cured in sterile fresh turkey bags and then once cured placed into brand new mylar vacuum bags and put away in a dark cool location.

I've seen growers on Instagram posting videos of them fogging their plants with Eagle 20EW and AVID which are banned for use and known to be not only carcinogenic but neurotoxic as well..

People with dirty weed shouldn't be able to push it off to people.

The fact the black market is capitalizing and scalping people for as low as 1200 a pound is just not good and some people are either giving away overages or throwing it out which is just money that the state could've made Tax money off.

HB 5300: Allows sale to and from licensed specialty medical growers.
HB 5301: Creates a license for a specialty medical grower.
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That article references the bills being approved by the Regulatory Reform committee and moving on along the process towards a house vote. That process ended abruptly and has went no where that I am aware of since.
That bill is bullshit and luckily hasn’t happened yet, otherwise caregiving as we know it would be over on March 1st. You would be limited to 12 plants. Unless you get the SMG which in my opinion is a worthless license they set up to try to make it seem like there was an avenue for caregivers so the bill would pass. With the cost of green zone property as well as the building codes your looking at close to a million dollars to set it up. Then you still can’t sell directly to a dispensary you have to sell other licensed growers, which even if there were growers that wanted to buy it your gonna get a lower price.

Everything I hear from licensed growers says Metric is a messed right now, if your product is quality you would prob do just as well on the gray/black market. If you absolutely don’t know anyone maybe try one of the social clubs in flint.
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There are a few big losers up for sale. I wonder what they'll actually end up getting for these failed properties ...

My dream for a long time was to eventually work up to get a licensed grow. Now I’m not so sure, unless you take on investors, it’s almost impossible. It takes nearly a million dollars to even get a small business going. Even if I were to get the million dollars together, its not like it’s a sure thing your gonna make enough money. The legal market is weird, prices are volatile and only going down. Top shelf weed sits on the shelf’s and gets old while mass produced boof sells because it’s cheap.

I think I’ll just keep caregiving unless an opportunity in a newly legalized state presents itself. Wait a few years and see how it goes, if the market stabilizes maybe I can buy a building already build out at a discount, because plenty are going to fail. Green approved real estate is stupid high right now, with the volatile nature of the market I think at this time it’d be like buying s lottery ticket, just too risky for the amount of money needed.
Too many hands off folks (investors, lawyers, lobbyists, accountants, bureaucrats, politicians, ect) taxing and controlling our market IMHO. I had hoped to see some successful cooperatives of hands on patient/caregivers (growers, processors, extract artists, dealers, ect) pop up over the years to no avail :-(

Now as we see these hands off folks playing regulatory capture games in Lansing, trying to pull the boat ladder up to shore up their profits, I'm no longer hopeful. Watching newer markets like Oklahoma shake out doesn't help. Profiteering has really hurt the honest cannabis community in recent years ...