NEW Strains @ the Boutique.....

mr west

Well-Known Member
This taho has been a bother to me, its been such a long time since i had to diagnose a diff, is this cal mag diff?



Well-Known Member
Magnesium hungry plants kushes are for sure. Looks like it could be a combo of things, black dead spots, yellowing of leaves, leaf veins look messy as well. I would try to condition the soil with some micro elements first as a suggestion.

mr west

Well-Known Member
Magnesium hungry plants kushes are for sure. Looks like it could be a combo of things, black dead spots, yellowing of leaves, leaf veins look messy as well. I would try to condition the soil with some micro elements first as a suggestion.

ER ok ill look into it

mr west

Well-Known Member
just plant majic coco a + b like everything else lol, its even in fresh coco not reused.

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
i'd be tempted to take a snip of the one in flower and just bung the iffy one into flower n see how she fares. not the best advice i grant you but i've flipped plants that looked poorly and they seem to right themselves. ostrich tech 101 :lol:

mr west

Well-Known Member
this looked bad afer i chucked her in 12, the one in veg aint bad really just floppy lol.


Well-Known Member
have you sprayed for PM during the day? Sometimes that can frazzle your leafs if done under the light. If you still got the curious ones spray then I would use that. It may actually be a fungicide that you are not aware of. I think cannazyme is the same thing as the stuff I use (Groen Kracht - green power) from Pokon. Hold on, let me check.....

mmmnn, I don't think so, it talks more of breaking down roots to be re-used, in combo with beneficial organisms (more like mycorrhizae). I think you need something with MG, Ca, Fe, Mn, Cu, B, etc. I use this:
It seems to balance things out, helps keep your plant green when you are having problems basically.


Well-Known Member
Eyup westy don't no if this pic will be any good for ya mate, I've always kept it incase I need it.4A8C3647.jpeg


Well-Known Member
No worries mate lol I tried to enlarge but cunt fathom it on me phone was hard enough copying it from me old thread lol

Lil ganja princess

Well-Known Member
hey peeps soz i aint been around. been mumming a teething little girl that's getting frustrated with not being able to walk on her own, but she's now got to grips with crawling and climbing. anyway back to bud, im gunna take some photos of them tonight after ive bathed and put h to bed. they were fed yesterday with plant magic coco a + b


Active Member
hello,waiting to get my BOG grow on lol..i sent a money order and it got there in a week,but 3 weeks after they shipped and no beans yet lol..i hate waiting.


Well-Known Member
BOG, that's toilet in Scottish, I wouldn't have ordered anything from them, lol. 3 weeks??? Ar ethey growing them for you as well?