New style Samsung LM561C Board

Interesting, though it's hard to make a direct comparison since each source is using slightly different test parameters. Having played around with my PAR meter, reflected light makes a significant difference, so I could believe that my measurements at 18" w/o reflector is comparable to the LED Gardener measurement at 18" in a 2x2 reflective space. I'll post up if I build a similar test environment and take measurements.

Meanwhile, would still like to see if anyone has measured a QB288 in an open area!
potentiometer success :)

i got the the "0 to 9" linear knobs to go on the potentiometers, i just soldered them onto the driver with 10k transistor and all seems well, and the lux meter shows i can go from ~15,000 lux @ 0 up to ~128,000 lux @ 9. (This is just a quick rough test from 12" away, on a 2 x QB-304)

Dimming capability really adds another level of control, im loving it!

I have 6500k veg and 3000k flower boards, so now I can literally and gradually 'fade summer out, fade winter in', or turn them down a bit on really hot days, or use them both on high on cold days, etc ...

... and if the LED provides the capability to dim it, as LM561C allows for, why not at least make it an option if you're using it? You've PAID for those LEDs, so why not utilise ALL its features! :)

but next time I think I'll just get a driver with the dimmer built in so i dont have to mess around soldering lol. Shouldn't need to buy another one for another 50,000 hrs though.

Many thanks again to those who helped me get my newbie head around the electronics! :)
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Adding a pot, also lowers your total output.......
Yes but my understanding was the amount isn't much (and if you get a driver with a built-in pot its even less, or none?)

Either way, before adding the pots I had two choices... run 1 @ 100%, or run 2 @ 100% (the latter i can't do in summer - too hot). Perhaps now i can only run up to say 95%, but now I can also turn the second board on at a low level to make up for any loss, and indeed now that I can use both boards at the same time I'll be able to provide more light output.

So I might've lost a small percent of possible max output, but now have the ability to use both boards at the same time, at any level, meaning I'll be able to provide more light than was possible just running one board @ 100%, as well as have "fade out from summer and into winter" capability, so I think the added level of control far outweighs any small output loss?
It's been a couple weeks. Paging @CobKits Paging @CobKits .
Anything to report on these?
I'm going to update my original post with a summary of everything we've learned in this thread. Gonna throw in some pics of my two lights setup in the tent. Going to post a pic of the different diodes to compare so people can see what they are getting. Going to add par numbers for both lights. Would like to add Cobs impression of these boards on the original post too.
It's been a couple weeks. Paging @CobKits Paging @CobKits .
Anything to report on these?
I'm going to update my original post with a summary of everything we've learned in this thread. Gonna throw in some pics of my two lights setup in the tent. Going to post a pic of the different diodes to compare so people can see what they are getting. Going to add par numbers for both lights. Would like to add Cobs impression of these boards on the original post too.

From what ive read, you have 2 sets of boards now, the 561b's or B+, and 561c's, whats the grow looking like so far. Are the B's cutting it? I do like the staggered led lay out it looks like it would beat the heat pretty good.


is good for a dimmer two 304 lm561c board whit HLG-240H-C2100B for power supply
Shoot just assumed their would be an edit button. Bummer. Guess people will just have to read the whole thing. Maybe throw in a summary every ten pages. Anyway, looking forward to hearing how the testing goes.


THIS is exactly what I'd like to know...where is the latest synopsis/summary of what to buy NOW (March/2018) to cover a 4'x4' (or possibly a 4'x3') flower cabinet build. I was looking at getting 30-40 meters of Samsung LM561C (3500k) flexible strips to hook-up, as I've seen them work very well in a build VERY similar to mine, but again, the choices are pretty confusing to a newb who was about to pull the trigger on a 600W HPS @ this time last week. Help, PLEASE! Friends don't let friends buy HIDs!

Are there any suggestions as to what would be the best approach to lighting my flower cabinet? I've been on the LED crash-course for a few days now, and while I've learned a lot, the nuances of the best voltages, models, etc. are still a bit beyond my scope...but I follow directions well! So specific info on WHAT to buy, either boards or tape strips, potentiometer, light meter, and best HLG driver (CC/CV), WHERE to buy, and HOW to wire it up (Series, Parallel, or combo of Series/Parallel) WOULD BE INCREDIBLY AWESOME AND WELCOME INFO! While I would LIKE to get the most efficient and up-to-date setup I can (without paying crazy-money on slight gains in efficiency), ANYTHING LED with the Samsung LM561C is going to beat the snot out of a I will keep my options open, and am a clean slate!

I certainly intend upon reading through this entire thread very soon, but I need to get going on getting some lighting ordered for my setup.

I'll upload a pic of another guy's DIY light setup from another board/magazine, to give you a better idea of what I'm thinking about. Please remember, this is NOT my light, but one I'm fashioning my DIY on presently, until you gurus tell me differently.

Thanks a lot for any info, and thanks for a great thread for LED newbs like myself to chew on.


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THIS is exactly what I'd like to know...where is the latest synopsis/summary of what to buy NOW (March/2018) to cover a 4'x4' (or possibly a 4'x3') flower cabinet build. I was looking at getting 30-40 meters of Samsung LM561C (3500k) flexible strips to hook-up, as I've seen them work very well in a build VERY similar to mine, but again, the choices are pretty confusing to a newb who was about to pull the trigger on a 600W HPS @ this time last week. Help, PLEASE! Friends don't let friends buy HIDs!

Are there any suggestions as to what would be the best approach to lighting my flower cabinet? I've been on the LED crash-course for a few days now, and while I've learned a lot, the nuances of the best voltages, models, etc. are still a bit beyond my scope...but I follow directions well! So specific info on WHAT to buy, either boards or tape strips, potentiometer, light meter, and best HLG driver (CC/CV), WHERE to buy, and HOW to wire it up (Series, Parallel, or combo of Series/Parallel) WOULD BE INCREDIBLY AWESOME AND WELCOME INFO! While I would LIKE to get the most efficient and up-to-date setup I can (without paying crazy-money on slight gains in efficiency), ANYTHING LED with the Samsung LM561C is going to beat the snot out of a I will keep my options open, and am a clean slate!

I certainly intend upon reading through this entire thread very soon, but I need to get going on getting some lighting ordered for my setup.

I'll upload a pic of another guy's DIY light setup from another board/magazine, to give you a better idea of what I'm thinking about. Please remember, this is NOT my light, but one I'm fashioning my DIY on presently, until you gurus tell me differently.

Thanks a lot for any info, and thanks for a great thread for LED newbs like myself to chew on.
What you need for strips build is all in here

Happy growing
What you need for strips build is all in here...

Happy growing

Hey Viceman666,

Thanks for the link to the LED Gardener! I've been over there quite a lot the last few days, learning what I can.

I guess I'm not certain if a strips build is the best thing for my cabinet, and am definitely open to suggestions. The thing about a strips build is that under certain wiring/LED combos, there's a voltage drop that requires some kind of Series/Parallel wiring fix...but I read that this can be avoided if one purchases diodes that DO NOT have resistors in the strings...again, sorry, I'm new.

Also, whichever way I decide to go (with guidance), the actual SOURCING of the LEDs on Digikey or Alibaba is very many choices, and I'm stuck with whatever I pull the trigger a little assistance steering me to the right purchase would be awesome. Again, I'll learn this stuff cold in the coming months, but I've the need to get going on a medical grow ASAP.

Thanks again for the response!
What you need for strips build is all in here

Happy growing

Wow, that link is very good...I'm not sure how I missed it! But still, I'd be open to other suggestions for board builds, etc.

In a technology so new to me, it's the questions one doesn't realize to ask that are often-times the most important to have answered, if that makes sense.
Wow, that link is very good...I'm not sure how I missed it! But still, I'd be open to other suggestions for board builds, etc.

In a technology so new to me, it's the questions one doesn't realize to ask that are often-times the most important to have answered, if that makes sense.
if you are willing to spend time building your strips build id go all the way for that option.. such a good coverage, effiency , custom design, etc.. boards comes handy for less diy work or lazy people (like me :lol:)
if you are willing to spend time building your strips build id go all the way for that option.. such a good coverage, effiency , custom design, etc.. boards comes handy for less diy work or lazy people (like me :lol:)

Do these strips REALLY need proper aluminum heatsinks, or can one get by mounting to some aluminum L channel? This guy used the heatsinks on his first light, but switched to the L channel, as temps were pretty low, and his exhaust placement was directly across from the plane of the lights...he has a lot of air movement in the cab, which I plan to have as well pulling/pushing air through a scrubber.
Do these strips REALLY need proper aluminum heatsinks, or can one get by mounting to some aluminum L channel? This guy used the heatsinks on his first light, but switched to the L channel, as temps were pretty low, and his exhaust placement was directly across from the plane of the lights...he has a lot of air movement in the cab, which I plan to have as well pulling/pushing air through a scrubber.
L-channel, U(C)-channel, or flat bar. Personally, for a strip build, I'd opt for U-channel.
Do these strips REALLY need proper aluminum heatsinks, or can one get by mounting to some aluminum L channel? This guy used the heatsinks on his first light, but switched to the L channel, as temps were pretty low, and his exhaust placement was directly across from the plane of the lights...he has a lot of air movement in the cab, which I plan to have as well pulling/pushing air through a scrubber.
U channel works great: