New Supercropping technique. clothes pins?


Well-Known Member
I think im going to try this out as my next experiment, autoflower - topping vs clothes pinch. I will be starting this in february


Well-Known Member
Nice next time im at walmart Im going to pick some up if i dont get them in time for this grow defiantely on the next. Keep us posted man Im intrested to see how it all turns out :blsmoke:
cool i will.. also i got babies that im going to clip on here in a week or so. I have these oblong bubbles starting everywhere and i can tell the buds are about to get swoll.. ill start a high p-k booster here in a couple weeks also. I cant wait . stay tuned.


Well-Known Member
not that this has anything to do with supper-cropping but me and my boy did some experiment with magnets b4..u gotta get those big ass magnets that look like hockey pucks..take 2 and put em on both sides of ur trunk to the point that there almost moving towards eachother and creating magnetic waves..i noticed it made the plant we tried it on grow faster and stronger..and its easy and cant hurt to try..just spreading the word..try it out


Well-Known Member
not that this has anything to do with supper-cropping but me and my boy did some experiment with magnets b4..u gotta get those big ass magnets that look like hockey pucks..take 2 and put em on both sides of ur trunk to the point that there almost moving towards eachother and creating magnetic waves..i noticed it made the plant we tried it on grow faster and stronger..and its easy and cant hurt to try..just spreading the word..try it out
wouldnt the magnets attracting cause a pinch. same principal i think.

Total Head

Well-Known Member
not that this has anything to do with supper-cropping but me and my boy did some experiment with magnets b4..u gotta get those big ass magnets that look like hockey pucks..take 2 and put em on both sides of ur trunk to the point that there almost moving towards eachother and creating magnetic waves..i noticed it made the plant we tried it on grow faster and stronger..and its easy and cant hurt to try..just spreading the word..try it out
that's interesting. do you mean you used the magnet's attraction to pinch the stem, or do you suspect messing with the magnetic field is what had the positive effect? i don't think i have an accurate visual picture.


Well-Known Member
that's interesting. do you mean you used the magnet's attraction to pinch the stem, or do you suspect messing with the magnetic field is what had the positive effect? i don't think i have an accurate visual picture.
i had 2 magnets and put em on opposite sides of eachother
the trunk of the plant was in the middle of the magnets, sending magnetic waves through the trunk.
if u set up the magnets right it should help make ur trunk stronger and its easy and simple
if anyone wants to try it i'd suggest 2plants of the same strain grown in same conditions and use the magnet thing on one of the plants and see what results u get


Well-Known Member
Yes I know my logic wasn't sound I'm just going with the idea that Magnet Therapy has no apparent effect on humans (negative or positive) because there isn't anything in them that responds to magnets much. Is there any reason to believe the concentration of magnetic matter is significant in Cannabis plants?

I'm not saying that magnets won't do anything, just that there isn't any credible evidence.
If anyone wants to attempt some comparison grows with/without magnets or side by side grows that would be sweet.
Try and to the extreme, take 2 clones from the same mother and give one a ton of magnets (as strong and as many as possible) and see if there is really any difference

PS: Has anyone done comparison/sidebyside grows with magnets and clones yet? Links to some kind of proof besides word of mouth would be nice. Anyone want to try getting some of those magnet/holographic therapy bracelets (which have nothing to support their legitimacy) and adorn their plant for science? Yes I am a critic of the use of magnets for manipulating living creatures and would rather be safe than sorry (although I doubt the magnets would do any real harm)

(if it really makes a huge difference it should be well known by now and backed by lab science)


Well-Known Member
Yes I know my logic wasn't sound I'm just going with the idea that Magnet Therapy has no apparent effect on humans (negative or positive) because there isn't anything in them that responds to magnets much. Is there any reason to believe the concentration of magnetic matter is significant in Cannabis plants?

I'm not saying that magnets won't do anything, just that there isn't any credible evidence.
If anyone wants to attempt some comparison grows with/without magnets or side by side grows that would be sweet.
Try and to the extreme, take 2 clones from the same mother and give one a ton of magnets (as strong and as many as possible) and see if there is really any difference

PS: Has anyone done comparison/sidebyside grows with magnets and clones yet? Links to some kind of proof besides word of mouth would be nice. Anyone want to try getting some of those magnet/holographic therapy bracelets (which have nothing to support their legitimacy) and adorn their plant for science? Yes I am a critic of the use of magnets for manipulating living creatures and would rather be safe than sorry (although I doubt the magnets would do any real harm)

(if it really makes a huge difference it should be well known by now and backed by lab science)
well the only reason i did it was because i watched some video with scientists doing some lab tests with magnetic waves and plants, i dont remember if the video was about cannabis specifically but i figured what the hell i'll do my own little test and see if it works..and it seemed like it did..thats y i said if anyone reads this and try's it do a side by side and see for yourself..its not expensive or hard to do


Well-Known Member
Yes I know my logic wasn't sound I'm just going with the idea that Magnet Therapy has no apparent effect on humans (negative or positive) because there isn't anything in them that responds to magnets much. Is there any reason to believe the concentration of magnetic matter is significant in Cannabis plants?

I'm not saying that magnets won't do anything, just that there isn't any credible evidence.
If anyone wants to attempt some comparison grows with/without magnets or side by side grows that would be sweet.
Try and to the extreme, take 2 clones from the same mother and give one a ton of magnets (as strong and as many as possible) and see if there is really any difference

PS: Has anyone done comparison/sidebyside grows with magnets and clones yet? Links to some kind of proof besides word of mouth would be nice. Anyone want to try getting some of those magnet/holographic therapy bracelets (which have nothing to support their legitimacy) and adorn their plant for science? Yes I am a critic of the use of magnets for manipulating living creatures and would rather be safe than sorry (although I doubt the magnets would do any real harm)

(if it really makes a huge difference it should be well known by now and backed by lab science)
where do u stand with Upping levels of THC?? ima a big UVB guy and i remember a few years back everybody would laugh at the thought of a little lizard light making ur buds produce higher levels of thc and cbn..not everybody but alot of people but now its backed up by science..i also do 24-72 hours of dark before harvest and 24hours before harvest i slam a thick ass nail through the trunk of my plant..i cant prove what it does but to me the darkness makes my bud a little bit stickier and the nail through the trunk i pretty much do for the same reason..all to their own


Well-Known Member
I'm pretty sure the UVB connection has been backed by science for more than a few years.

Nail in the trunk? I haven't seen anyone who thinks that is a good idea or any kind of picture proof

1-3 days of dark before harvest? That does seem to do good for some strains (only 'White' strains I've heard)

I am curious about this clothespin pressure thing, I hope for a side by side using clones from the same mother sometime.


Well-Known Member
yea same here..i think it will only create enough pressure to do anything when the plants stems are small enough after they get big and strong then what?? jumper cables?? o shit i think i got a crazy experiment idea>>at the end of harvest do the nail thing i said but two nails and get a battery and jumper cables and try to jump start the plant lol i bet the thc levels go up lol naw jk


Well-Known Member
i have a cock ring that vibrates. im trying it out as we speak on a hindu skunk. pictures still to come.


Well-Known Member
its possible.. but i dont know how the magnets effect the xylem/phleum. also testing the french tickler.