Hey guys ive been reading both threads for the last couple of hours and have a few questions of my own.. Thiis is my first grow and am doing this for personal use and to have some good weed since its so dam expensive for the haze and hydro around where i live.. Any advice to me is good advice and am looking forward to hearing from u guys.. I am in my third week veg. and i have 5 that are about 3-4" and they are very bushy already.. Hea are my questions:
I was wondering what type of areogarden does every1 have?
I have the pro 200 series.. It comes with an extendable 24" lamp hood arm and hs a microprocessor that does something not really sure..
Do u think the 24" extenable arm is good enuf to get a good yield like 1/4 Lb. maybe??
When should i start the flowering stage since i have the 24" extenable arm?
When should i start the trimming stage and what should i trim??
When u trim do u cut at an angle or straight cut?
I smoke with my plants everyday maybe 2 or 3 times a day blowing smoking at each and every 1.. Is this bad for the plants??
Is ph up and down for fish tanks the same as what we use for hydroponics water?
Thanks in advance guys im taking advice from other threads and will be making changes to my set up first thing tommorow morning.. All advice welcome