New to Bubbleponics

I am new to hydro. My set up is using a bubble set up. My question is this though, should I have my bubble set up going 24/7 or just during the light cycles? I am not entirely sure and don't want my beauties to be stressed by my lack of knowledge. oh and only post if you have experience with hydro please (tired of people just talking about stuff that isn't related to my post).


Active Member
What is the pump used for? Sorry I just do the old bucket of water and airstone method. I think you need to keep the airstones on or the plants drown. Not sure if plants can actually drown, but you get what I'm saying?
the water pump is used to circulate the water from the resevoir to the individual buckets and back again (kind of). And I get what you're say :)


Active Member
Ah ok, cool set up. I use the poor mans method lol. Do you have the pump on a feeding schedule or is it constantly keeping the buckets filled?
it is constantly keeping the buckets filled and recycling the water back into the resevoir. I believe I would be puting the food into the resevior and allowing the plants to taken it in over a period of time. As I think this out the answer becomes more obvious to me. But Im still thinking do the plants need feeding when there is no light


Active Member
My girls set in nutrient water 24/7 it doesn't seem to hurt them. I am fairly new at growing also. But I hear letting the roots dry then wetting them again helps the growth. I haven't been able to experiment with this yet though.


Active Member
You can get a timer and set your pump on a feeding schedule. Like water for 15 minutes then dry for 15. You will need to do some research/asking around so you can figure out a safe feeding schedule.


Active Member
Hey smoke - I have heard bubbleponics described differently than what you have described - sounds more like an ebb & flow system in buckets you've got going. Try looking on the internutz for a product called the Big Boy Ebb & Flow system, not to purchase, but to read how their system works.

Peace, and good luck!


Well-Known Member
Sounds like you are describing a waterfarm method. If you were just doing a recirculating DWC, then you wouldn't need the airstones if your submersible pump came with the air Venturi attachment. The attachment that has the 1/4 inch barb with the a connector the has a air inline to it. This allows you to aerate the water without air pumps and still re-circulate. Better to as it is venturi and injects the air into the water as compared to air pumps which do not(they only disturb the water). It should look like this...
