New to cfl's ......Need advice plz!!

Ok so im new to R.I.U. but ive been a member of the city for a few years now figured i'd switch things up and become a member here. Which i love the ideas of cfls but ive read hundreds of threads on this site and this section and the seedbank seem to have the most haters. which is ok everyone is entitled to their opinion, but question is i know the specific strain will play a role in the amout of wattage needed , but we'll say im prolly gonna go with killing fields. is there really a major noticable difference growing well say 4 plants under cfl rather than hps with just 4 crops or would it be a better idea to combine them say 150-250 hps with cfl..any advice would be appreciated.


Well-Known Member
you could get a shitload of cfls or get a mh/hps and use the cfls as supplementary.


Active Member
CFL’s Vs HPS….. The list can go on for days. Here are just a few I can think of off the top of my head with out writing something that will take 20 mins to read.
Plants really thrive on Lumens. A 250 watt HPS will have up to 28.500 lumens, With CFLs 250 watts can have up to 15,000. ( Vs. ) Lumens are what really penetrait the plants canopy and help you grow a faster and a bigger yield once said and done.
The point to growing with CFL’s in my opinion is the fact you use less power, you need less other items for cooling the grow area from heat that is normaly associated with HPS. With CFLs you can grow in a smaller space. ( i.e. PC case grows, card bored box ect ect ) Also I feel CFL’s are best for growing if you are only looking to grow for your own personal smoke. Only reason being the flowering time can take an extra week or two longer. ( if a strain takes 6-8 weeks from the start of flower, with cfls it can take 8-10)
You said you are thinking of going with 4 plants. I feel that would be the maximum number to try and grow with a CFL only grow. You will need bulbs for the top ( the cfl link above ) with reflectors. ( 90% of cfl light comes from the side, not the tip ) then I would sugest hanging some down around the sides of the plant so you get more penetraition into the canopy. Also with there are 2 types of bulbs needed ( revert to this link for more info on that ) one type for veg one type for flowering. Some will argue if you need to do this or not. Some will argue only replace a few of the bulbs with the 2700 lumen bulb. To each their own. I still feel growing with CFLs is still an art on to its self. A lot is trial by error. I would sugest growing one pant first and then once you see how that turned out. Then try for more plants. No reason to waist all your seeds and not get a good yield.
If there is anyone else that can add to this it would be great, if I am wrong on anything please post about it. No one is ever perfect or knows everything. Im just trying to give a few pro’s and cons of each type of bulb.


Well-Known Member
best way to do it is get a shitload of CFL's for veg then switch them over to HPS for flowering

cheers :bigjoint:

technically that is not the BEST way.. Best would be to MH at least durring veg then HPS durring flower. CFL durring veg is ok, HPS durring flower Trumps CFL bf far. CFL is for Budget Reason, if your going to spend 200 on CFLs might as well save up another 200 and get a decent 400w.. . if not get 450-500 and go 600w digital ballast