new to Gainesville 352


Active Member
i just moved to gainesville a couple months ago and this being a collge town i thought i could find some nice buds somewhere. anyone have any advice does chronic exist here? help me please


Well-Known Member
Well I doubt you're going to find anyone here willing to help you. But for what it's worth some good stuff used to come out of Ocala.


Well-Known Member
Yea my only experience in the area has been the worlds largest cocktail party. But I can say it's definitely around.
Hi my name is Tonya and Im a Newbie to growing, Ive learned some things in the last year off this site and have gained enough knowledge (i to plant my own,i have posted a few picks.;....somewhere....on here and have gotten brave enof to try one in a topsy thing-a-ma-jig and while trying to plant it broke the top of the plant. I'm gonna see how it holds up the next few days and go from there, if i dont sucseed this time Im gonna try again so ill keep a jo
californiacurlz I hope your not a serious poster or at least have medical card status as you do realise you have your yahoo account tagged to this account and you used your full name as your yahoo id first middle and last then in this screen name state your in cali so your home address is right there for the world to see...
The cop trolling was for charles aka charlie aka the enemy. I was just making sure you were med certified ton of people who arent do the same thing and hate to see them arrested for a mistake like an email or thier nameon here. Glad your legal