New to getting + CFLs


New Member
First, id just like to say thanks for any tips and advice about my first grows.

I have some new babies about 2 weeks old. I started it for fun, realizing that everyday they grew, i became more of a "father". Anyways, enough of that Shit.

I have 3 babies growing under 3 26w 6500k cfls. I am going soon to purchase 68w 6500k and probably a few 85w 5000ks. I know as far as veg, 6500k is good, and for flowering 2700k is good.

My questions are... Is this enough light for 3 plants. I believe the lumen count will be around 10000.

Second, how often should i be watering? I mist in the morning, before 10h of daylight and then 8to9 hours cfl.

I use a ultra green fert, as i believe its a 10/10/10 speaking as if i knew anything.

Any tips would be great. Thankyou.


Well-Known Member
I would not grow more than 2 plants with that set up. Did you ever think of getting some small hps lighting? 150watt hps is great for a few small plants


Well-Known Member
a good rule of thumb for any lighting setup is 100w per plant, led or hid you can get away with less but with cfl you want 100w per plant minimum preferably more, also your bulbs will need to be within 4 inches of the canopy to be effective, so be prepared to rearrange your bulbs for maximum coverage