New to Grow Journal


Active Member
Replies, comments, questions/ answers to questions are all very welcome! (please help me stop thinking I am typing to myself.. lol)

ok so the oldest A and B (Annie and Betty all girl names alphabetically lol) are 2 weeks, 3 days old.
They are about 4" tall by 6" wide.

C and D are 1 week, 4 days and E & F are 1 week 2 and they are all about 2" tall by 4" wide (except D she is stumpy but has that weird top that is very separated)

(6 seeds dropped in jiffy pellets, 100% germination)

The nutes I'm using are called summum. I'm not sure I like em but I'm also not sure that I might not be the problem.

A box of 1L of each 1+2 in a box with push spouts and it leaks all over the place if I leave it right side up!
Their recipe is 1ml to one L of each 1 & 2 and I am using half of that.
15 ml to 36L res. level.
Part 1 is: N: 3.9, P: 0, K20:4.1
Micro: Iron, manganese, zinc and copper.
Part 2 is: N: 1.1, P205: 3.9, K20: 5.9
Macro: Molybdenum, Boron.
They ask for ph 5.9 to 6. I am close to 6 (liquid test).
Again they say I should be at 400 ppm first week and up to 800ppm for the following weeks.
I am at 467ppm.
It also states I need to change out my reservoir weekly. Is that normal? sounds like a waste?

Ok so problems I could use some pointers with;
I am seeing some yellowing to browning on tips mainly the older larger leaves, can see a few holes small but right through leaves.
Also a lot of leaves look 'wrinkly'.
The past 2 days I have started misting the leaves 30 minutes before lights on.
Up until 2 days ago (Sunday) I was doing 24/7 lights and since changed to 20/4 on Monday and then 19/5 today, going to stop playing with it tomorrow at 18/6.
Next; all of them are short and fat! Is this a problem or a blessing?
I have a small 6" fan to shake up the stems, it doesn't oscillate though but I'm in there enough to move it around.

Humidity is usually at 30-40% but today when I turned the lights on (after 1/2 hour since misting) humidity was at 55%. Where do I want it and what range?
Temp in darkness can drop to 66-68F in light hours is 82 to 90F.

Maybe peeps don't reply because I babble on and on and on..... lol
Moving on (lol)
So I'm thinking
1. over watering (misting and my rockwool cubes aren't drying out enough between feedings.
2. I need fert help!
What is the best ferts for a new guy like me who wants to do his best :)

I guess this is a good stopping point.
I can't talk to anyone in the 'real world' about this so help me out :)

Oh and pics, some under lights others in the dark with flash (just for a sec)!=



Active Member
subbed .

You look like you know what you are doing. I been building hidden rooms also.

Anyway I will watching . I'm starting with a dirt grow to test my skills first.
Then Ebb and flow.


Active Member
Thanks shagster!
I was told to keep it simple but it's not in my nature lol.
My house is full of tropical plants some over 6' tall, so I figured I could do soil grow fairly easily and I wanted a challenge.
So it's ebb & flow from the get go!
I have made tons of mistakes (including wasting money) but I have learnt sooo much!
It's a pleasure. I somewhat mastered fresh water aquariums ( I have a fully planted 80 gallon with tropicals and a 30gallon with fancy goldfish) so this is my new hobby :)


Active Member
Day 5 of flowering!
Smallest is 18" and the largest is 25".
I've tried looking for sex already with a jewelers loup and they all look female to me! But maybe I am just too hopeful.
How long into flowering on average is the sex very apparent but not too long that any possible males will pollinate my females?
I think I will be damn lucky if I get 6/6 females from mystery seeds!!
have look and let me know what you guys think.
Comments, questions and advice welcome :)



Active Member
It is looking good. I use a system similar to the one your using and ive noticed that they where growing 5-8 inches a week then in flowering its reduced by half. seems like anyhow. but yeah awesome job man.


Active Member
Yeah I had 5 to 8 inches a week in the last weeks of veg and I thought it was supposed to increase in flowering.
I did top most and see where the colas are going to come in already!
Added rapid shooter to this weeks ferts.


Active Member
So the first week of flowering seemed like slow growth to me, only 3 inches.
Now the second week it is really taking off, about 1 to 1.5 inches per day!
Here are a few update pics they are between 21 and 30 inches tall now.
If you see anything that looks wrong please let me know or any comments at all are appreciated.



Active Member
Here are some update pictures.
These ladies were germinated on January 1 2011 (my new years ladies)
I vegged em for 80 days. Some of the stems are thicker than my thumb.
They are on day 16 of flowering.
The tallest is now 39 inches and the runt is still around 20 inches (she had some stress though, a large branch broke off).
They were mystery seeds from a quality seed supplier. They all turned out female (6 out of 6 planted).
Anybody have an idea what strain they are or is it too early still?



Active Member
I wish more people would reply :(
I can't talk to another living soul about this in real life, so all I have is you guys for dialog and discussion on my project.
Sorry for sounding needy! but like I said all I got is you guys.
Even in the hydoshop if you ever mention anything about what you are growing you get a dirty look and a quick conversation change...
Is my grow of no interest to anyone?
Did I put this in the wrong area?
Please don't flame but all other advice, suggestions, comments or anything! are welcome........


Active Member
Stems as thick as your thumb? You can decorate that for Christmas.

those are looking to be monsters'. You are going to have to crop or tie them back,


Active Member
well I do have 7 feet of growing height available but yeah I have already had to start lst'ing some of the taller shoots so I can keep the light lower for the rest of the canopy.


Active Member
Looks good man. What's the size of that flowering cab? I might have missed it in an earlier post.

Oh, and did you do any sort of pruning for your grow? You have a lot of the ladies so bunched up. I had 4 in my 3 x 3 tent and I got worried they were getting overcrowded so I moved 2 out and put them in my bathroom lol.

Mmm, how do I subscribe to a thread?

Edit: Figured it out.