New to growing indoors need help please! :)


I've pretty much been growing outdoors and I want to try growing indoors. Is there anything specific that I might need for a closet grow? I don't have a measuring tape so I kind of just eye balled my closet and its about 5'11" x 6'. :-?


Active Member
Depends on what you want to do and how many plants ur going for. I would say there is tons of options and if you read up you'll find out it would be best if you got ventilation, a lights, thermometer, pots, a good soil (most important) besides the light you purchase. My suggestion is Fox Farm Ocean Forest soil. Nutrients and a timer that monitors the light.


Active Member
That is pretty bare bones unfortunately but if you buy weed more than once a month it definately pays off in the first if not second grow.


Yeah, I plan on growing White Widow. My closet is big enough for only 2, 5 gallon pots. Which lights have the timer on them? This will be my 2nd crop. My first crop is almost ready for harvest, I'm just waiting for my seeds to be delivered haha