New to growing.. please help! Original cheese fastbuds autoflower

You bought a second one???
Why would he do that? He has already spent more money than a good light would have cost.

It's like buying anything. You not only need to know what to buy, but where to buy. We are lucky to have a Grow Generations here. I don't even remember seeing a blurple light in their store. Don't know how big the store is but it's "WalMart" size. If there is a big supplier of any kind that's the place to start. They almost always have everything a commercial grower needs, and at the same price.
Why would he do that? He has already spent more money than a good light would have cost.

It's like buying anything. You not only need to know what to buy, but where to buy. We are lucky to have a Grow Generations here. I don't even remember seeing a blurple light in their store. Don't know how big the store is but it's "WalMart" size. If there is a big supplier of any kind that's the place to start. They almost always have everything a commercial grower needs, and at the same price.
Grow Generation is an overpriced joke of a store. Half of the dudes who work there don't even know wtf they're talking about.
Yeah got it off FB marketplace off a guy local to me for £20 so it’s not that bad. So Iv spent £75 on lights so far.. still cheaper than a high end light
I informed you that there are cheap lights available that are far better than what you're using.

You can lead a horse . . .