New to growing - which to keep, which to kill?


Active Member
It does seem extremely popular, the SLH. Cannot find one bad review of it. Sure, people say its leggy, people say it's slow to flower, but noone seems to think that is a good enough reason not to grow it.

Today, after flushing all the plants last night, the SLH, the auto and the blueberry-that-might-be-a-bubba-kush, are all looking better and have grown a little overnight.

I'm inclined to think that the blueberry might indeed be a bubba kush because it looks completely different to all the others.

I'm making no decisions at this early stage, but I can easily see myself doing this:

-Cull the sickly looking blueberries (fifty quid down the drain if I do but that's life)
-Grow out the autos while vegging the super lemon haze and bubba kush
-Harvest the autos
-In the space created, build a light proof drying box about 2ft high, 1ft wide and 3ft deep with intake and exhaust holes, placed by the intake so fresh air comes in, dries the cropped autos, blows out over the still-live plants and out via the carbon scrubber (thus solving the problem of cropping one before the other)
-Flip the SLH and BK
-When ready, harvest the BK in the same way
-Finally, enjoy the Super Lemon Haze - probably sometime in late September from what I've read!

I am a huuuuuge haze strain fan, it has always had a special place in my heart for that hashy smell and citrus like spicy taste. Because I'm only growing for me and the wife, we are looking to produce the tastiest meds with a little bit of variety thrown in. Short flowering / high yield of course would be nice, but it's not why I'm doing it.


Active Member
so i take it you know how to grow then lol. doo you need help with anyting
Haha I dont know where you get that impression, I'm totally clueless! Managed to nute burn my babies before they even got out of seedling stage! The only thing I have in my favour is that I really love ganja. I use it medicinally and recreationally and have done so for many years so I am trying to turn that love into something productive for myself.

I've done a truckload of reading but I'm a kinesthetic learner so I do tend to blunder in then learn from my mistakes. Every day brings another problem to solve it seems. Today I'm finding my temps really high (don't know why they are suddenly this high, I guess warm weather outside), with them pushing 30 degrees C this morning when I checked on the tent. Humidity is also really low at 49%, despite keeping a large reservoir of water in the drainage trays.

I've turned the exhaust fan up quite high to combat it, but it worries me for the future when I will have a 600W HPS in there which I imagine will generate a lot more heat than the 250W MH that is in there currently. The fan isn't the quietest despite being wrapped in two duvets and acoustic ducting on the exhaust side.


Active Member
Don't kill just plant out side and let mother nature work her magic
That is what we plan to do actually, my post wasn't all that accurate, I was speaking figuratively! Have a spot in mind. Was going to grow until they are in fairly stable veg, then transplant into a grow bag and put that in the ground at my chose spot.

I figure if they get eaten, at least the pests will be high, and if it gets stolen by some louts well, good for them. My indoor pot would spank their asses compared to the weedy shit they stole.

Having said all that, today the Bubba Kush, the two Super Lemon Haze, the two autos and one blueberry are looking good and the other blueberries look like they are just gonna die. If that happens, so be it, I don't want to grow more than 6 plants anyway and what is looking like surviving is a fine range of medicine that I shall enjoy the variety of.