New to Growing


Active Member
Hey after reading, and reading, and reading, I still cant figure what I'm doing WRONG!! I see other peoples plant pictures at 4 weeks and well my look nothing like them and mine are between 3-4 weeks too. I just built a new grow cabinet just for veg, and when there ready for flowering I'll have my closet set up with HPS lights. heres all my pictures form my old grow table to my new cabinet, which is not 100% complete, and my dinky plants!!!
I need 26 CLF bulbs, and thought I read that the Daylight coool was good for Veg. Is that correct?? there all 23w the highest wattage of cfls I can find.
Any input would be great!!!


Active Member
how close is the big enviro mate
I have it about 4-6 inches away but this is bcos the HS stretched like fuck and i had to lift it up but now with the 2 85w hanging i'm able to spread the light better still not as good as i would like but good enough :bigjoint:
when i was growing i had them 1-2 inches away ,also you can see some leaf burn from the lights too close but that was when i didn't check on the plants for a couple of days and they grew to the light :bigjoint:


Active Member
Just checking on the girls,the 2 85w i had stuck to the inside of the reflector fucking unstuck and were sitting on the plants when i checked them :cuss: just a little leaf burn :mrgreen:,I secured then up with twine and more duct tape hopefully this will work :hump:
Nice aroma when i get close to the plants don't think i will have to worry that much about the smell but only time will tell:roll:
Didn't notice anymore damage to the girls maybe the sonic repellant is working
Fed them today with a mix of phostrogen plant food NPK 5.6/2.0/7.1 (the one i have always been using),A small amount of bonsai food NPK 10/30/30 and a teaspoon of molasses mixed into the water ,hope this does only good to them :mrgreen:
Well as always tell me what yous think of my beautiful girls :mrgreen:



Well-Known Member
looking good bro.;-) those extra lights you got are gonna pay off with all those budsights. is that a homemade co2 dispenser i see there?


they're looking good, my girls are in flower right now (day 13),
i was told to stop the N and increase the PK when flowering.
I think you might want to do the same.

going to look up that info, and will confirm if it's necessary to get rid (or lower) the amount of nitrogen during flower...i also use fabric softner sheets to hide/mask the smell (growing skunk, and it smells amazing!!! but strong odor) just hang them anywhere and everywhere around the plants....can't wait to see how ti turns out.


Well-Known Member
i mix my grow and bloom ferts to keep the fan leaves alive, the plant needs to photosynsisize. i stop using nitrogen three weeks before harvest,


Well-Known Member
Haven't checked in for a bit.. Looks like things are going pretty good..

I see you added some more lighting.. EXCELLENT!! You will be rewarded!!

Keep up the good work!!


Active Member
Took these pics earlier today just before lights out :eyesmoke: Those extra lights are making a big difference :bigjoint: my only trouble now is that the reflector can only lift another 3 inches hope it doesn't need to well actually maybe i would ,bigger buds:eyesmoke:
so anyway tell me what you think about my girls :bigjoint:



Active Member
Haven't checked in for a bit.. Looks like things are going pretty good..

I see you added some more lighting.. EXCELLENT!! You will be rewarded!!

Keep up the good work!!
Thanks TheDifferenceX good to see you checking in :bigjoint:
A question for you or whoever can answer, This may seem stupid but i don't know the answer so I ask does 250w of CFL use the same electricity as a 250w hps ,:dunce:


Active Member
looking very buddy nice, if they get to high just tie them down, be better than lifting the lights.
Thanks for the tip del66666 ,I was thinking of doing that but it would be hard to position all the plants to get good light if i tied down the HS ,its fairly tall .I will see how it turns out :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
Thanks TheDifferenceX good to see you checking in :bigjoint:
A question for you or whoever can answer, This may seem stupid but i don't know the answer so I ask does 250w of CFL use the same electricity as a 250w hps ,:dunce:
some cfls are 250watt 'equivilent' and some are 250 watters, the 250watters use the same electricity as a 250watt hpsbongsmilie personally i dont use them, but in my next grow im getting a 250 watt blue spectrum cfl as supplementary lighting during flowering my plants.:idea: im starting ghs cheese in mid december, gonna be fun!:eyesmoke:as always plants are looking looking good;-)


Active Member
some cfls are 250watt 'equivilent' and some are 250 watters, the 250watters use the same electricity as a 250watt hpsbongsmilie personally i dont use them, but in my next grow im getting a 250 watt blue spectrum cfl as supplementary lighting during flowering my plants.:idea: im starting ghs cheese in mid december, gonna be fun!:eyesmoke:as always plants are looking looking good;-)
Thanks shrigpiece ,so at the moment i have my 200w and the 2 85w thats 370w so if i got a 400w hps i would only be using 30w extra from what i'm using at the moment but the plants would grow more with the hps ,Is this correct :eyesmoke:
I would like to grow cheese myself heard good things about it i might grow it next, well make sure you keep a picture log so i can compare mine to yours when mine is growing won't be till next year


Active Member
Just checking on the girls :eyesmoke: looking great :mrgreen: only 2-3 weeks left on the BB can't wait:bigjoint:
I fixed up more of the reflective foam around the plants,To me a lot of the light was being wasted and not reaching the lower bud sites so maybe this will help,I hope ;-)
As ever tell me what you think of the girls :mrgreen:



Well-Known Member
Thanks shrigpiece ,so at the moment i have my 200w and the 2 85w thats 370w so if i got a 400w hps i would only be using 30w extra from what i'm using at the moment but the plants would grow more with the hps ,Is this correct :eyesmoke:
I would like to grow cheese myself heard good things about it i might grow it next, well make sure you keep a picture log so i can compare mine to yours when mine is growing won't be till next year
definetly compare cheese, cant help you on the yeild difference on cfl and hps, never tried cfls.:bigjoint:


Active Member
definetly compare cheese, cant help you on the yeild difference on cfl and hps, never tried cfls.:bigjoint:
Its a deal then cheese will be my next seeds ;-):leaf:bongsmilie
Looking at mine now and the amount of budsites what do you think i will get dry weight :eyesmoke:,how much would you get from 3 plants with your hps :bigjoint:


Active Member
how much did u spend on your equip n how long u think before u harvest it..?
I got a loan of the big reflector i'm using and the 2 200w 6500k and 2700k and i spent about a total of 120 yo yo's and i'm planning on buying a 250w 2700k single reflector myself costing me another 120 but then i can give the loaned 1 back and say my plants died :weed::sad::fire: