New to Growing


well i need some help here i guess how would u grow dirt weed as far light, soil, nutrients and other things like that?


Active Member
My mother caught me coming out of the attic oh shit and why can't i use the smilies something is up with this website the past few days so I'm not posting pics today


Active Member
did she find the weed?
No ,she asked me what was i doing :roll::eyesmoke:" uh putting stuff in the attic" and i was closing the door and she said" leave that open and come and look at this" and she brought into her room to look at a stain on the ceiling and she ask me what was it ,I said "I don't know" then i went out and closed the trapdoor but i remember spilling water up in the attic ,the grow is over my mothers room :lol::lol::roll::bigjoint:
I ordered a single 250w red sunmate reflector today, will be able to give the loaner back :blsmoke:



Well-Known Member
yea man ur nuts! better pray that u dont get bagged up. that would suck and i would feel very bad for ya. very nice grow thou looking great. +Rep


Well-Known Member
well i need some help here i guess how would u grow dirt weed as far light, soil, nutrients and other things like that?
get cfl lights 6500k or 5500k for the beginning stage called veg. then get 2700k lights for flowering. soil is up to you, nothing with slow release nutes in it, but aim for organic. nutes for veg u want nutes high in nitrogen then for flwoering nutes high in P and K . you want the lights to be from 1-3 inches away from plant..use ur hand to see how hot the bulb gets on plant (wont be very hot) if it burns ur hand it'll burn the plant. make sure u have a fan to promote stronger stems and to control the temp. a timer would be good so u dont have to worry about the lighting hours. start growing with 24 hrs light on 0 off or 18 hrs light on 6 off. just make sure the numbers add up to 24. 18/6 shows best results thou. and last but not least, dont be surprised on how bomb ur bag shit weed seed looks when u grow it. it looks completly diffrent. peace


Well-Known Member
No ,she asked me what was i doing :roll::eyesmoke:" uh putting stuff in the attic" and i was closing the door and she said" leave that open and come and look at this" and she brought into her room to look at a stain on the ceiling and she ask me what was it ,I said "I don't know" then i went out and closed the trapdoor but i remember spilling water up in the attic ,the grow is over my mothers room :lol::lol::roll::bigjoint:
I ordered a single 250w red sunmate reflector today, will be able to give the loaner back :blsmoke:
thats the trouble with us loft growers strange stains on the ceilings appearing from nowhere!:lol: plants looking buddylichousbongsmilie


Active Member
thats the trouble with us loft growers strange stains on the ceilings appearing from nowhere!:lol: plants looking buddylichousbongsmilie
Thanks shrigpiece I haven't been able to get up into the attic this 2 days my mother is in bed sick :cry: so I haven't been able to check on the girls
the new light i ordered comes tomorrow and I'm working so my mother will have to sign for it .I hope its packaged real good and not a big box with a picture of a growlight arriving at my front door :roll: ah well you only live once :mrgreen:


Active Member
:eyesmoke: Really hard to look after the plants lately,but managed to get up a while ago ,the mother was still in her room so i was quiet as a fucking mouse everything was fine till i was putting the ladder up and she heard it and she came out and asked what was i doing ,I replied "putting the ladder back up:-? :eyesmoke: she said nothing
And also when i came home earlier I seen my "package" ;-)arrived ,a big cardboard box in the hall ,I was carrying it up to my room and the mother asked "what is that" to which i replied "a box",she didn't like that,and she said"I hope that isn't plants in that box :dunce:
Well anyway I took a pic of the items I received ,250w 2700k CFL ,a Powerplant 1 bulb reflector with rollers and Canna PK 13/14 all for about 120 yoyo's delivered ,not bad :mrgreen:. A few pics of the girls as well really showing the THC now :blsmoke: tell me what you think



Well-Known Member
nice looking equipment, let me know what that powerplant is like, i am thinking about getting one for a motherplant. i cant help think that your mum knows about the babies.


Active Member
Yo luckydog, nice growing. :eyesmoke:
Just stumbled accross your grow, gunna subscribe, curious as to what yield the BB will bring, good luck man.
Growing some big bang too, :mrgreen: day 15 at tha minute.

Check out my journal in my signature.




Active Member
nice looking equipment, let me know what that powerplant is like, i am thinking about getting one for a motherplant. i cant help think that your mum knows about the babies.
Thanks shrigpiece will let you know how it does,I was thinking last night that instead of swapping the lights around and giving the loaner back i'm just going to add the 250w to the double reflector :mrgreen: ,that will be the 200w,250w and the two 85w a total of 620w.I will just do this till the BB is finished then swap the lights :eyesmoke:,leaving the powerplant and the two 85w just for the Hawaiian Snow :blsmoke:
Yeah I think she does know but won't say anything to see if i will tell her,I will when its finished kiss-ass.Didn't get up to see the girls today ,the mother is still in bed keeping a ear out:wall:


Active Member
Yo luckydog, nice growing. :eyesmoke:
Just stumbled accross your grow, gunna subscribe, curious as to what yield the BB will bring, good luck man.
Growing some big bang too, :mrgreen: day 15 at tha minute.

Check out my journal in my signature.


Thanks grow4joe ,my first grow so not sure of the yield :leaf:
did you check out the whole thread ,are your BB the same size as mine were at day 15 :bigjoint:


Active Member
Thanks grow4joe ,my first grow so not sure of the yield :leaf:
did you check out the whole thread ,are your BB the same size as mine were at day 15 :bigjoint:
Im not sure man cuz you said at the start that you planted dem 4weeks ago and mine are 15 days from SEED not flower, mine seemed to stay very short the first 2weeks so ive moved the light a bit further up now so they stretch a little bit more, they are quite bushy for how old they are, plus ive been feeding dem biogrow nutes since dey were 7days old..i think.. :lol: and they F**king love it.. :mrgreen:

i noticed someone saying about miracle grow earlier in your thread, i used miracle grow all they way through my first grow....and i used a lot, the bottle said to feed once a month or so....i fed every time i watered! :mrgreen: and the end result was madness, the dankiest weed ive ever had...mite of just got lucky wiv da seed though but the M Grow sure dint f**k nothing up... :mrgreen: pics are in the 400watt club, (probaly around the 160+ page)



Well-Known Member
Thanks shrigpiece will let you know how it does,I was thinking last night that instead of swapping the lights around and giving the loaner back i'm just going to add the 250w to the double reflector :mrgreen: ,that will be the 200w,250w and the two 85w a total of 620w.I will just do this till the BB is finished then swap the lights :eyesmoke:,leaving the powerplant and the two 85w just for the Hawaiian Snow :blsmoke:
Yeah I think she does know but won't say anything to see if i will tell her,I will when its finished kiss-ass.Didn't get up to see the girls today ,the mother is still in bed keeping a ear out:wall:
all that extra wattage can only lead to good things,;-) they gonna be nice and compact budz:leaf:


Active Member
Got a few minutes there to get up to see the girls and get the new equipment up in the attic ,I added the 250 to the reflector and moved the two 85w to the end of the reflector :bigjoint:
the lights were off when i was up o the pics aren't the best but you get the idea ,well how do yous think there coming on :leaf:

Just a question i have all 620w of lights on 1 segmental timer is this too much ?

