new to growing


Active Member
I'm new to growing this is my first time and what i did is
till a little bit of soil
and then i stuck the seeds in to the ground pointy end up
i didn't germinate first should i have?
and how often should i water them ?
and how long should it take for them to sprout?


Well-Known Member
not sure how deep you planted them but it usually takes some time if the seeds weren't germinated first. i don't grow outdoors but i have planted directly to soil and some sprouted the 1st week some the second. you'll just have to wait and see if they sprout.

Golden Ray

Well-Known Member
Outside I would say less than 10 days. Use a good fert like Pro Grow veg and mix 1/2 of rec. use every other watering and get a water meter (cheap) or water when plant looks like it needs a drink.