New to HPS


Active Member
So after i harvest & flip some of my current CFL sour d crop next month i want to step my game up. im looking to get a 4'x4' or 6' tent. i will also be looking into 150watt-400watt MH/hps systems, along with about 200watts of CFL. how would the temps be? im also a little worried about how much it would spike the electricity bill, as we are by no means rich lol. but my biggest concern would be heat. as far as ventilation goes, what would i need to do, and how far from the canopy do you hang MH/HPS? i keep my CFLs less than 2" from all parts of my crop which i would still do all around the sides, but up top how far would i keep the HPS? thanks in advance fellow RIUers. Peave, love, & good vibes!

ALSO - what watt HPS would you suggest with the 200watts of cfl lighting for 2-4 plants? looking for best yield along with lowest cost of light system + electricity..


standard rule is if your hand can comfortably stand the hps bulb for a minute, the plants will love it.


Well-Known Member
Would suggest getting a 600W digtal dimmable ballast if you can. They are only a few bucks more and if you are going 4x4 or 4x6 you can definitely use the extra light. Any besides, the CFL lasted you 1 grow? How long do you think it would take for you want to upgrade again :) Depending on the light you get the 600 may be 30-50USD more.

You can save some energy cost by dimming the ballast if you really want or if you have heat issues with a dimmable ballast.


Active Member
Would suggest getting a 600W digtal dimmable ballast if you can. They are only a few bucks more and if you are going 4x4 or 4x6 you can definitely use the extra light. Any besides, the CFL lasted you 1 grow? How long do you think it would take for you want to upgrade again :) Depending on the light you get the 600 may be 30-50USD more.

You can save some energy cost by dimming the ballast if you really want or if you have heat issues with a dimmable ballast.
lol yeah the CFLs lasted a single grow. i just want to be able to do more plants than one at a time, and for my one Sour D plant its around 30" tall and has 12 CFLs around it... im not messing with 24 CFLs for two plants. id much rather get a tent with a hps, throw the cfls in there on the sides, and grow a few crops at once