new to hydroponics noy new to growing


Active Member
I have the WaterFarm 8 pac .I have 9 up and runing.Had some trouble at first Ph and some nutrient burn.......But now green algae is growing on the Terra Cotta clay ball's or red clay balls and on the base of my White Rino and Purple Erkle. Is there anything that is Organic I can but in with the Nutrients that will kill the green algae.I only use Organic Nutrient and pesticide

Thank's Mr.Red


Well-Known Member
I have the WaterFarm 8 pac + 1.Had some trouble at first Ph and some nu burn.But now green like algae.I clean the hytron that has green.but is there anything that is Organic I can but in the res that will kill it.

Thank's Mr.Red
can you rewrite this so that its more clear what you are asking?


Well-Known Member
Try covering the tops of your pots with some black plastic, so light cannot pass through onto the hydroton.


Active Member
Mold grows in dark and damp places.My humidifier is set at 60-65 percent.Has anyone tryed Flora shield


Well-Known Member
I use horticultural grade hydrogen peroxide every time I top off my res. Not a lot, about a tablespoon for my 18 gallon res. I never get any algae. I also flush once a week with plain chlorinated tap water.

Not sure about something organic, hydrogen peroxide will kill any 'good' bacteria in your solution. Personally I dont care about living things in my grow room, other than my plants and myself (and my cat who occasionally suns herself in the lamplight).