New to LED looking for assistance designing a light


Well-Known Member
Could be, cold temps lower water uptake which can cause slow growth and over watering. Try raising the temps with cfls down by the pot as heaters. Or try turning down the exhaust


Well-Known Member
Yes all that and weight the pot to fell if it is full...and wait until it become a bit lighter
Did you start to feed?


Well-Known Member
Growing for the first times with the diy cob light I find my humidity lower and the plants are using far less water in coco core then my hps runs... I needed my exhaust on full bore lights on and off to keep the humidity of the flower tent down under 50% before. Now my ventilation is set low and slow. With the cobs I'm seeing good growth with about half the water I was using before with hps. It takes some getting use to... It's a learning curve with the nutrients as well, mine have wanted about double the cal mag then I have used in the past but that might just be hungry coco... :)


Well-Known Member
I hope it is only a heat problem!
But it look a bit overwatered anyway...look at the make like claw...!
Did you start nutes?
You should stop water for a while!


Well-Known Member
Great build! I have a couple of questions:

1) Did you use self tapping screws or did you manually tap?
2) Regarding the cover, was that prefab or did you bend it to suit?
3) What did you use to drill the large fan holes?
4) I see holes in the cover where it meets the angle. I'm assuming those were to attach it to the angle?
5) Did you end up installing the dimmer? I don't remember seeing that.
6) Did you order the switches and receptacle online or just get them from Lowe's/HD?
7) What would you have done differently now that it's done?

So...yeah just a couple questions lol! I really like how you mounted the heat sinks to the angle. I hadn't thought of doing it that way. I'm researching building my own light for a 2.5x2.5x4.5' area and so far, I like your design the best and would like to replicate it.

USA,153D, W2 - thank you for your service :-)
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Well-Known Member
Great build! I have a couple of questions:

1) Did you use self tapping screws or did you manually tap?
2) Regarding the cover, was that prefab or did you bend it to suit?
3) What did you use to drill the large fan holes?
4) I see holes in the cover where it meets the angle. I'm assuming those were to attach it to the angle?
5) Did you end up installing the dimmer? I don't remember seeing that.
6) Did you order the switches and receptacle online or just get them from Lowe's/HD?
7) What would you have done differently now that it's done?

So...yeah just a couple questions lol! I really like how you mounted the heat sinks to the angle. I hadn't thought of doing it that way. I'm researching building my own light for a 2.5x2.5x4.5' area and so far, I like your design the best and would like to replicate it.

USA,153D, W2 - thank you for your service :-)
1. Tapped. Lots of tapping
2. Had a local weld shop bend it
3. 5" hole saw and a drill press
4. I used 1/4 20 screws to mount cover to angle
5. I have a spdt switch on both drivers that way I can dim to 50% or 25%
6. I ordered my parts online cause my town doesn't have a decent electronics store
7. I think I would add (and still might) an on/off switch to the corner lights. That way I can use just the center when the plant is small. I'm also thinking of adding more "red" light for flower. I have room on the heat sinks to add a few.


Well-Known Member
1. Tapped. Lots of tapping
2. Had a local weld shop bend it
3. 5" hole saw and a drill press
4. I used 1/4 20 screws to mount cover to angle
5. I have a spdt switch on both drivers that way I can dim to 50% or 25%
6. I ordered my parts online cause my town doesn't have a decent electronics store
7. I think I would add (and still might) an on/off switch to the corner lights. That way I can use just the center when the plant is small. I'm also thinking of adding more "red" light for flower. I have room on the heat sinks to add a few.
Thank you! What does "spdt switch" mean? single pull, double throw?