I've been looking at LED's for my flower room, and frankly I am put off by the costs and small 'footrint' of what I see.I am not tech savvy in these and am looking for advice from those that have gone on befor me.My flower room is an 8 ft. x 8 ft. area with my ladies growing in (2) 3 ft. X 8 ft. areas. So my effective coverage has to be for 48 sqare ft. of plant area.From what I have been able to glean reading the adds, and checking out the various web pages for manufactures, I would have to spend a fortune to replace the 4 400 watt lamps I am now using. And as I am a low budget grower, and would like to get the most 'bang' for my buck, what options are there? Who makes the best and brightest? Can it even be done reasonably for flowering?Are there any really good deals out there??I'm so confused.......