New to the forum, buying seed question


New Member
Hi everyone, I am new to growing marijuana and this forum :D and I have been reading and watching videos about marijuana and the process of how to grow it. I live in in the mid-west and it's sometimes very cold or just cold in the winter and in the spring time and after it's pretty decent. So I have a couple questions that I need help with. I'm going to buy 5 Feminized black jack seeds which can grow indoors or outdoors from which I read that it is a site that is recommended? And I wanted to ask if I can order the seeds right now and save them until spring then begin to germinate them? Would they get rotten by then? I also don't get how to grow indoors or outdoors, are there any complete guides for that? And I don't have that much money to spend.. And I'm only going to be growing below 7 plants so I'm guessing I won't have to spend that much. Please help..


Well-Known Member
You might want to find out a little more about growing before you go buying seeds so that you make sure it's doable for your situation. A good website to check out is they have tons of info that'll help make your decision.
For storing the seeds, you want to keep them in a cool, dry, dark place. I personally keep mine in an advil bottle.


Well-Known Member
i personally would use the tude. but theres plenty out there. find a hybrid u like and google that along with grow or grow journal. also google the seedbanks u find n look for reviews on that bank. youll be happy in the end if u do.


Well-Known Member
check out bonza seeds, they got a huge range and excellent prices...and got my seeds 100% of the time you'll also receive freebies.

Dr New New

Well-Known Member
Also don't just buy 5 seeds either... if you fuck up the germination, lord knows I did my first time, you will have no seeds to plant... get some cheep ones to practice on. If you can get the cheap ones to veg stage then you will be ok with the others. Lot of trial and error when it comes to learning on your own. Also if you don't plan on planting til late next year then use this time to research EXACTLY what you want to do. It seems like you have a good idea but you are going in blind. There are so many factors when it comes to indoor, outdoor growing. Soil grows, hydro grows etc... bugs, ph, algae, ppm, temps, smell etc... great start is you posted on the forum. Now you need to go read read read.