New to the game and site, obviously need some advice =)


Active Member
Alright, finally got around to taking some pics of what I'm doing. I just need some advice from other growers on what they would do/can suggest for my grow room and to help get good efficient harvests. I've grown tired of the legit shops being shut down by the DEA from the requests by San Diego City; and the price and quality on the street is just as ridiculous now as some of the illegal shops still operating (including delivery service ones as well). So being a legal patient in Cali, I'm going to exercise my right to grow my own meds =). 25% of you are going criticize me, but that's fine, I'll just be looking at the other 75% who give good advice/suggestions on how to improve. =)

My friends who grow are giving me some clones, I've smoked some of their yields before and was really impressed. I was given a Purple Kush clone to get started with. My original plan was to veg her out, take clones, veg her again and then flower... but probably like most of new people starting out; I jumped in too quickly without waiting to learn everything. My first mistake? Buying a huge ass CFL, without properly planning out how I wanted my cycles to go, etc. I was originally going to just veg out my plant, take a few plants, veg a little more than put her into flowering... that wouldn't be smart considering I can't provide a strong enough source of light for the flower box I was going to construct... noob mistake after noob mistake; but finally I believe I have a great way to continue and not waste more $$. I'll eat the big CFL I bought and use her strictly to veg my mothers (if I can get good results with the kush, I'm going to pick up two other strains off my buddies.) Then I'll take the clones and still go with a custom grow box, but it'll be used for veg AND flower; I'll just switch out the CFL bulbs when it's time to flower... my first question would be; is that a good enough idea? Or would that big CFL still be giving the mothers too much light and the clones are doomed to fail? I would buy a 150watt HPS (home depot's website has them for $90 including ballast and reflector hood) but the energy would be too much... or would it be the same as using 4-5 CFL's (I'm looking at some bulbs that are around $10-$15 and replace up to 150watt of energy) for vegging and flowering?

While I got busy trying to solve that dilemma, I saw, but didn't pay the attention it deserved, a deficiency coming along with the plant... first started seeing the stems on the fan leafs turn purple; thinking of the strain I thought it was normal, but now I can see I'm either in a late stage of sulfur or nitrogen deficiency... just dunno which. I've fed her twice using Cutting Edge Solutions nutes, and once with just regular filtered water. What kind of sucks is my friend recently told me his soil was miracle grow because he had to find a quick bag of something when he planted the clones I got this from.... he originally thought it was soil-less but he was too blazed to think clearly then obviously... anyway there are some pics below, I'm going to pick up a PH Tester (should've done that first!) after work to test the soil, to see how bad/lucky I am.... Anyway enough blabber, any suggestions would be great.

Oh yea, I'm using my closet as my grow area, I plan on one side being for veg and the other for flower... I'll post pics once I start making it; just gotta figure out how I'm going to do the flowering...

**The pic showing the CFL bulb is a couple of days old, most of those yellow leafs have been taken off**



Well-Known Member
I see a light issue more than an N issue. You would be better served to get several, 23 w cfls clamp lights and place them around the plant. The purpling of the stems may be endemic to the strain, or a cal-mag issue. (mag). I have grown plants from beginning to end using a single 23 wcfl, so I wouldn't flake on that light just yet. I used to veg with Mh, but found no real advantage to the Mh over fluorescent for my type of growing, so I use cfls or a combination of cfl's and a UFO to veg, and HPS to flower. If you notice the lower leafs yellowing, it's most likely because they are gettin no light bro. Also note that some strains love florescent light and will still give you a decent yield under the low lumen light, (check out the Papaya cfl grow on youtube). I suggest that if you want to max your yield for one or two plants, that you invest in a cheap 250 w HPS for flower.( your plants will love you for it. If you want to max your yield, you may want to consider doing a scrog with dwc. I find it cheaper, less messy, easier to maintain, and maxes yield for a small area, but to each their own. I still grow in soil from time to time, as well as propagate my seeds in soil. If you have any questions you can pm me directly bro.
Cheers, and keep growin dat shit


Active Member
sorry for the lag, had a couple of weird days; regardless my ph is 7.0; i added some 23w warm lights, i've read a couple places that adding some warm light is good; reflects more of natural sunight..., anyway.. my set up is kind of going to be built as i go, so for right now this seems to be okay;

any suggestions on how to get some air circulating in there? i was thinking one of those small 6" fans from walmart or something would work...

i eventually want to turn my whole closet into my grow area; one step at a time though



Well-Known Member
when I used a 150w hps for my first grow it only cost about $5/month to run on 12/12, a longer light cycle a little more, maybe $7-8. Its not really using that much juice and it packs way more of a punch than any cfl can do. I would buy it and use it. Your plant will love you for it.


Active Member
when I used a 150w hps for my first grow it only cost about $5/month to run on 12/12, a longer light cycle a little more, maybe $7-8. Its not really using that much juice and it packs way more of a punch than any cfl can do. I would buy it and use it. Your plant will love you for it.
I'm starting to lean towards that way; the other half of my closet is going to be the flower area once I seal it off with some mylar or something else... it's just going to be easier to setup, better to manage light, and will make building the flower area better.... thanks for the advice


Active Member
took my first two clones off and made some more lighting available for the bottom half =)

included some pics of when i took her outside to do the clipping... also took a pic of my friends plant about 3 weeks from harvest.... i keep telling myself one of these days



Active Member
Sorry I did not know it would be so hard.. 12/12 from CLONE to harvest// better.. GL getting help
wow I completely missed this; way to be a dick dude; you didnt even suggest anything regarding what i'm attempting, you just jump and say 12/12 from seed, i didnt know it would be so hard to read, maybe then you'd realize i dont care about doing 12-12 from seed right now... the more i think of it... Why even say anything if it's not even close to what i'm asking for?

Anyway, I got my HPS up, picked up a Skywalker clone and I'm vegging them up to do a ScROG (I doubt the skywalker will yield much once I go into flower but it's all an experiment at this point)

Everything seems okay; just dealing with some heat stress now; any suggestions on how to get the temps closer to 85-80 degrees instead of 95-90? I have one fan currently in between the light and canopy and am thinking I need to put another one up on the other side; dunno... would appreciate some advice; that would actually help me.

Oh yea I included a pic of a Blockhead bagseed that sprouted =D half ass attempt on it but we'll see where it goes, i'll probably just give it to a friend to grow out or just donate it to someone on craigslist

