New to the grow


Active Member
Whats up all I'm new to the growing scene and wanted to see what everyone thought about my setup. If anyone would let me know what they think it would be greatly appreciated.

2 400 w HPS
4 floros for veg
all fox farm nutes, including the powders
Currently have 3 strains, White Rhino, Big Bud, and Aurora Indica.

My girls are all soil grown in a closet.
Nutes are given as directed but have been trying new mixtures, soil is flushed every other watering. Got some pics theyre kinda leggy its my 2nd grow and looking to go hydro



Well-Known Member
Looks good, you could def. increase your yield by doing some bending or tying over. I really like that WR strain. I would clone that. looks like could be a start of over fert the way the tips of leaves are bending down.


Active Member
Looks good, you could def. increase your yield by doing some bending or tying over. I really like that WR strain. I would clone that. looks like could be a start of over fert the way the tips of leaves are bending down.

Thanks man, the nugs and crystals are good but the weight definately isnt there. I think the overdose of P over did it for em, I heard that alot of nutes and the WR strain go along way. Check out the serious seeds white rhino grow on youtube dude its nasty, mine are leggy, i got 3 WR clones to keep the race alive and get it right.

Also if anyone knows, how long can you store male pollen for and what it should be stored in gonna get some good male pollen and would love to try cross breeding.


Well-Known Member
Looks real good broski, excellent work on those

Pollen can stay viable up to a year, just store in an air-tight container and it should be fine.


Active Member
Do you think flushing the nutes, coming up with something else would be alright? I got all fox farm chems and need to get a good yield to tide me over for the next harvest.


Well-Known Member
whats flushing mean in between nutes? and why do you do it? is it just to give a plant water and nothing else?


Active Member
yeah, if you fuck up the nutes you can flush the soil and try to elimate the nute overload and kinda start from fresh.


Well-Known Member
whats flushing mean in between nutes? and why do you do it? is it just to give a plant water and nothing else?
Flushing is basically is basically rinsing the soil of nute buildup or other element build up(salt). It is done mainly for 2 reason, when you over fert your plant you need to flush all those nutes out. It is also done before you harvest so the plants decrease nute intake resulting in more flavorful buds.


Active Member
hydro is way different from what some people tell me, hydro changes can change from the next water cycle, with soil it takes time for the soil to absorb the nutes and the roots. Anyone got anything help out.


Active Member
Damn I'm fucked up. but flushing is a good way to reset and start things over and decide on what the plant needs.


Active Member
Thanks to all for the advice, after looking at em I figured out they had pot lock and got em transplanted in 5 gal buckets, watered the soil good, got 3 weeks left so hopefully i can save em with THC.