New to the grow

Hi Everyone,

I wanted to say hello and thanks for all the great posts you all have put up for us new weedrats to pour over when we can't quite get it rite. LOL

I'm working on my first grow, and it's been a long process so far. I ordered 10 Medi seeds from
Amsterdam last year and started trying to get them to pop earlier this year before finding this forum or other info.... I've gardened and grown veggies, etc all my life and every one around here thinks I'm half plant myself. Not just a green thumb so to speak. However, out of my 10 Medi 2 sprouted and then rotted away. Too moist! Then from the 20 free seeds I have finally got one that germed 3 weeks ago and is now about 3inches tall. LOL My sole survivor, One out of Thirty! That's a dismal ratio, and I have a green thumb? Hmmmm yeah Right.......Any way I'm growing it in FoxFarm soil in a peat pot, It's an Indica and I'm praying for a Baby Girl! LOL

I've got more seed ordered and with all the help and info from all of you I know my next effort will be much better whenever I get my seeds........ I'll be posting more as I get set up and make things work.

Thank you everyone for sharing your failures and successes!


G, from up North of Denver


Well-Known Member
Well come! Start a journal? It's always good to read journals from scratch, you may get advice, and when you are partaking of your harvests it will help your memory


Active Member
Welcome to the world of growing MJ, it aint like other plants, especially if you grow indoors. This is one of the best germination guides I have seen, full of common sense advice. Journals, as suggested by sworth are invaluable to learn from, highly recommended. Read all the stickies and as many journals as you can stomach as well as anything that relates to your chosen method, hydro, soil, indoors, outdoors etc. No matter how much you think you know about botanical stuff, this is a whole new world of growing so research is the key. They are a good bunch of guys around here but some can be a little too, er, enthusiastic in their advice. Learning what is good & bad advice will be your first lesson. I would also suggest a good mj growing book, this one by Jorge Cervantes is good, so is The Marijuana Growers Guide by Ed Rosenthal & Mel Frank (pdf available). Peace W

I checked out Mandalaseeds and liked what they had wrote down on their site, however, it's not their time of the year to sell seeds...... Which led me to Attitude SB Where I ordered an excellent T-shirt and some new hope for a good grow. I've been waiting since June 28 for my order from Amsterdam and finally got tired of the waiting. It will be great to compare the two in quality, pricing, service and timeliness.....



Active Member
I have used Attitude but I am in the Uk so my order was with me in 2 days, likewise are also pretty good (both carry mandala strains). I could recommend both. Green mojo dude. W
Very good to know about those two options W. I've put me order in, and now it's time to set back and wait.

I've been in contact with Amsterdammarijauanaseeds 3 times to let them know that the order they say shipped on June 28 2011 still hasn't arrived. Meanwhile an order for 10 seeds placed two weeks later got here two days ago....... They are saying it can take several more weeks yet for the missing order to arrive..... Meanwhile they aren't the one's who are out a couple hundred Euros, so I assume the waiting is easier for them.

As a note: I set five of my ten Strawberry Ice Feminized seeds to Germinate yesterday and 3 or four are cracked with tap roots starting to poke their heads out! Much better success than my first try!
It's been 10 days since my last post on this thread and a lot's happened since then. The five Strawberry ice plants from AMS are doing great and two of their free seeds started at the same time also germed and are growing in peat pots. The tallest of them are about 3 inches tall. I got my order from Attitude last Thurs Aug 4, 10 Point of No Return from Mandala Seeds and one FREE Pineapple Express from G-13. I laid five of them down to germ and they all cracked and had tap roots out by Sunday morning. They are all setting in peat starters with good PH and as of today they all are standing up, 3 have opened their first outta the shell leaves and one is actually pushing her first set of leaflets already. I didn't expect this kind of growth, as the seeds were kind of little and punier than the AMS seeds I've gotten. LOL Good things come in small packages I guess.

I'm taking pics of everything, keeping notes and calendar dates. I can't figure out how to upload a pic on this site, does one have to start an account with an online picture site? I can't seem to upload from my computer? I do have pics I'd like to post?

Updating this thread. It's been an adventure, but my first grow to actually reach the end of the Flowering stage is almost over. Two to three weeks left. I have one really nice Pineapple Express plant from G-13 Labs that really is the star of the garden, and all of the Strawberry Ice plants Feminized grew into upstanding and very nice sized ladies. I was a little let down when four out of my Five Point of No Return plants from Mandala seed Co ended up being MALES. However, I did get 5 nice clones off of the one female, and it's doing very well too with nice buds teaming with good resinous.

The two plants that really grew well that were free seeds I can't identify. I think they could be Afghani, because there is no hairy growth on the leaves, and the buds and trichomes are growing long and spindly, not at all like the other plants with nice thick overgrown buds with tons of trichomes as big as golf balls, or like my forearm on the Pineapple Exp. If you know the strain of the two plants on the left of the strawberry Ice, and Pineapple Exp, I hope you'll write what strains you think they are.

I've got 5 strwbrry ice, two mystery plants, 1 pineapple express and a Point of no return within two to three weeks of flowering. LOL Also got a Pez, three Strawberry Ice, and 5 White Queens ready to move into the flower booth. I'm hoping for a really good turn out to my first Grow to reach maturity!

Thanks for reading and making any comments you might have. Cheers!

