New to the scene.. Need friendly advice and tips


He asked for advice for growing 12/12 from seed and everybody is trying to cram 18/6 down his throat instead. Here's the link to the original 12/12 From Seed Thread:

Most people on here will only explain to you how their way of doing things is the best and the only one that works even though most of them have absolutely no idea what they are talking about, gotta learn to filter through it bro. Good luck.
First off your cfl bulbs are 23 watts actually and are equivalent to 100 watt bulbs. So that means you need at least four of those to veg each one of that army of sprouts you have! And then 3 times that to flower, or like 12 of those 100 watt equivalents cfl's that are 23 watts each actually. 23 watts X 12 bulbs = approx. 276 watts of light. That's for one plant. I really think you should try to grow a single plant, so you can learn properly how it works before taking on a crop. Spend some money on good soil like fox farm ocean forest mixed with perlite. Then get some quality base nutrients, I use iguana grow and bloom. You' ll also really need to put some cash into some real light like LED or HID because positioning 12 cfl's around a single plant and keeping them all within a 1-2" proximity is a daily pain in the ass. You have to spend a little real bread if you want all the free bud you can smoke :-) Also don't pick at your plant? The only time a trim fan leaves is deep into flowering when those leaves start blocking my light penetration deep into the plant and from buds. Even then I trim only what is blocking buds, leaving as many fan leaves as possible. These leaves are like fuel. Work on learning to LST and gently tie your plant down as it grows. Once again focus on growing a single monster plant first, so you can get an idea of what your really dealing with first.

Damn.. I'll most deff do that as soon as I get some real cash then I'll deff do that, of course I would love a super dope grow tent with an exhaust fan and super expensive hid set up... Who wouldn't?! But I'm super tight for can't afford it, I'm using dasani water bottles as pots for fucks sake. Lol. But soon I will invest in the proper supplies. I agree with you about getting all of those lights in there. It's hard already. I made a make shift grow light from an old lamp I had.

I'm doing the absolute lowest budget grow. I'll take pictures of it if people promise not to laugh. Lol
He asked for advice for growing 12/12 from seed and everybody is trying to cram 18/6 down his throat instead. Here's the link to the original 12/12 From Seed Thread:

Most people on here will only explain to you how their way of doing things is the best and the only one that works even though most of them have absolutely no idea what they are talking about, gotta learn to filter through it bro. Good luck.
Thank you bro, I understand people have their criticism. I'm open to all, but it is frustrating to read constantly about my light schedule. 12/12 all day, I ain't going back!
Ive got a question.. Is it ok to grow in soil with veg nutes, while flowering? I know it's not supposed to be done, but is it possible? Will it show signs of nutrient deficiencies? Or can I get away with it?


Well-Known Member
Ive got a question.. Is it ok to grow in soil with veg nutes, while flowering? I know it's not supposed to be done, but is it possible? Will it show signs of nutrient deficiencies? Or can I get away with it?
what are the values on the nute in question? a well balanced nute should be fine but it depends on what you got

Just wanted to to show you guys a pic of b166er420's grow. Fully grown in red solo cups, on a 12/12 cycle from seed. YES FROM SEED. 6.5- 9.5 grams each so at an 8g avg. he had 36 cups.....36x8g=288g or over 10 ounces. And best of all he was using cfls and to top it all off he used MG!. This guy gives me hope.

Ok so this is my super dope one of a kind sweeded grow bin. A rubber maid bin Lined with aluminum foil ( my old lady almost took my head off in the process of stealing it from my kitchen). I also made the light from an old (porcaline type old) lamp, as you can see the base in which the lamp used to stand upright on is now lined with foil as well. I hung it from the metal rack in my closet. On the front of the bin is a mini calander to keep track of time that I got from my super market, it has fun recepies and tasty treats on it.. So I get to think of all the delicious entres I can eat after I grow this bud. Lol

it pretty much looks like a failed sience project some kid made in the second grade. Butt fuckit. It works!


Well-Known Member
Found you!Don't listen to those dorks,keep positive and use our info to best fit your situation.That shultz you got is a little high in phospherous imo...12/12 from seed you can get away with using it till you dial it in....adjusting for tox or def situations.MG 9month feed should be good till your plants start to flower without any other added nutes,for flowering I like to use a more balanced npk...I'm now using an organic 3-4-4 that I make a tea with when I start to flower(first hairs)....and thanks for the support:)


Well-Known Member
Get rid of the some white poster board(2 for a dollar) or some flat white paint.....upgrade bro!:)leave the tinfoil in the kitchen


Active Member
It could be done, but with adverse effects. Too much N(the first number in the 10-15-10 on the bottle) and it will delay the flowering process. Since you have it, use it. But only after your seedlings are asking for it or they have 3 sets of actual leaves . Whichever comes first. And always at 1/4 strength for young plants. But once your plants start showing hairs, its time to start the flower nutrients. Just go get some MG flower boost. Nice and cheap. They only thing about MG and any chemical nutrient for that matter is your going to want to water with plain water inbetween feedings: feed/dryout/plain water/dryout and repeat:)

Im a cheapo when it comes to growin, but I still pump out decent smoke because I have a general understanding of what and when plants need something. I use jiffy seed starter soil and perlite to grow in. Tap water that has sat out for a few days for water. Usually Fish poop for veg, and a simple chemical nute for flower. A couple cfls per plant and I have 2 150 watt hps lamps and a strong fan. I usually just use one lamp and fan. Other than pots and ph drops(YES DROPS!!!) thats all I use. Scratch that, thats all I NEED.

Just keep researching my man. Youll do just fine.
Found you!Don't listen to those dorks,keep positive and use our info to best fit your situation.That shultz you got is a little high in phospherous imo...12/12 from seed you can get away with using it till you dial it in....adjusting for tox or def situations.MG 9month feed should be good till your plants start to flower without any other added nutes,for flowering I like to use a more balanced npk...I'm now using an organic 3-4-4 that I make a tea with when I start to flower(first hairs)....and thanks for the support:)
Most deff bro, just spreading the love and letting people know that 12/12fs is where it's at!

Thanks for for the info on the nutes. That's where I hit a wall for sure, I made a new batch of ph'd water with no nutes. If I see signs of nutrient lack I'll add a little I guess. But for right now they look pretty damn healthy.
Get rid of the some white poster board(2 for a dollar) or some flat white paint.....upgrade bro!:)leave the tinfoil in the kitchen
Lmao. Alright will do, but why? What's up with the foil? Jw. Deff going to take it off tomorrow then. I've got some free white paint that came with my apartment, so I'm straight!


Well-Known Member
Well,not only will the foil trap heat...that's why we wrap our baked potatoes with it:)..but its unruly to work with,some say it creates" hot spots"? but flat white has been proven to be just as reflective as mylar or any expensive purpose built reflectors.
Im a cheapo when it comes to growin, but I still pump out decent smoke because I have a general understanding of what and when plants need something. I use jiffy seed starter soil and perlite to grow in. Tap water that has sat out for a few days for water. Usually Fish poop for veg, and a simple chemical nute for flower. A couple cfls per plant and I have 2 150 watt hps lamps and a strong fan. I usually just use one lamp and fan. Other than pots and ph drops(YES DROPS!!!) thats all I use. Scratch that, thats all I NEED.

Just keep researching my man. Youll do just fine.
Great info man bro, I only water my plants when they need it. I bought GH ph up and down because I was having an issue with my tallest plant. It looked like it was getting the wrong ph from my tap water, I live in FL and our water tastes like shit. So I'm kindof scared giving it regular tap water. But I did just recently change my water to straight ph'd water with no nute. I honestly only water maybe twice max a week. Since I switched the lights to 12/12 I didn't need to water as often.

And Cheap doesn't begging to explain how i am.
Well,not only will the foil trap heat...that's why we wrap our baked potatoes with it:)..but its unruly to work with,some say it creates" hot spots"? but flat white has been proven to be just as reflective as mylar or any expensive purpose built reflectors.
Lmao.. Well I guess that's why it's been so damn hot in there. I had an issue with heat before. I don't have a fan in their either. Definitely tomorrow I'll be swapping it out for some nice white paint. Right now my plants are sleeping.


As far as the nutes, I just started a new hydro grow 12/12 from clone because I have sites 6 inches apart spread over 5'x7' feet so if I let it veg they get way too damn big and it causes problems (something I learned my first grow with this setup), but I wanted to get some use out of my 'grow nutes' and since the first week or two it will be stretching actively anyways, I started them off with 250 ppm to 600 second week and so far they are looking great. I think if you use grow nutes on a seedling (not 600 ppm though, lol) you could probably use grow nutes for the first 3 weeks or so effectively since even in 12/12 it will be in veg until it reaches critical mass to flower.