new to the site and new ate growing!


pretty new at this stuff, first of all whats up everyone?!?!

i just got some auto-blueberry from lowlyfe seeds...i plan on growing in soil in a closet

whats the best type of soil i can get from home depot or a lowes?

i have 2 lights and an small hps a friend gave me from a dro setup...

what should be light cycle? and should i use an hps for auto flowering??

it says that the auto blueberry is very sensitive to should i feed these??

any help is appreciated, will show pics along this journey...Thanks guys!


:wall: Just wanted to say whats sup and give you a few little pointers for a newb and hardware store buyer of materials to grow with.

I my self am a newb grower few grows now with HPS light low wattage too on my end. I have 1 room not very big maybe a large closet size maybe 4 foot by 10. I deveded them into 2 rooms a veg room and a bloom room.

In the veg room I use 18/6hr light cycle and in the bloom room I use 12/12hr cycle.

I also shop at home depo for soil I use a organic 2 part mix. 3/4 organic miracle grow bag and the other 1/4 I use all purpose potting soil or garden soil and start my plants in 4 or 5 gallon planting pots, simple

after growing 1.5 months in veg stage i
use a simple plant food with cems at 10-15-10

when I put my plants into bloom at 2mo
i put them on what I was told to use Bloom whith an even higher cem ratio cant recal the cem combo but its like 15-30-15 any way attached a pick of my current crop I will harvest in 3 days.

Good luck lots of growers and post to read
to help you grow better her, peace and grow long.