New to the site. Urine test crisis.

Read my link above. If you are pissing hot right now then forget about all the BS pandered here. Why risk it. Most tests are not supervised. Get some quality fake piss or find a non- smoking friend/wife to supply. Practice the pour, from the point of locking the door to walking back out it till you feel confident in doing it smoothly. Don't spill.

And when they say oh btw Mr. Rin your pregnant? I would not use female pee if you are male.
And when they say oh btw Mr. Rin your pregnant? I would not use female pee if you are male.
Gender does not matter. Not that they could not test for it, but they don't. The labs are paid to test what they test for and they get the specimen with a number not a name and picture. I have done it twice with female piss and mine get sent to 2 big labs.
Gender does not matter. Not that they could not test for it, but they don't. The labs are paid to test what they test for and they get the specimen with a number not a name and picture. I have done it twice with female piss and mine get sent to 2 big labs.
Gender does not matter. Not that they could not test for it, but they don't. The labs are paid to test what they test for and they get the specimen with a number not a name and picture. I have done it twice with female piss and mine get sent to 2 big labs.
Depends on how high speed of a drug test it is... There are test that can pick up differences in hormones which would be able to tell whether it was a man or woman. These test however, are very pricey and not the typical go to when using a drug test on the everyday level.
you want the trick? have done this multiple times go to the grocery store and get some SURE-GEL it's a perservitive for canning fruits etc. about 2 hours before you go to get tested you mix up 1 pack in a 12 oz glass of water and slam it. It tastes horrid and gritty after that drink 3 glasses of water try to piss once or twice before you go to clean and excess meds out of your immediate system and your good to go the SURE- GEL coats your system making to where the water you just drank is going to be the piss that comes out of your body pretty sweet a really old buddy of mine told me about this works for just about alll med types best part no looking like an idiot with 2 penises xD
And your point of reference is? Unlike you, I am not guessing. So when you buy fake piss then, do they ask whether you want the male or female version?? No, they don't. There are also legal ramifications of testing beyond what is agreed to also. Again, labs are sent a coded specimen and they test for whats been paid to test. Its not the labs job to validate the effectiveness of the test gathering.
I use synthetic urine, get " Quick Fix 6.1" it includes urea and other shit they look for to see if its real pee, pass every time, they include a warming pack you put next to the bottle on your upper thigh, i also bought the velcro strap thing for my leg, but in your underware is fine, there is a temp gauge on the side of the bottle, so you know your good to go,, go into the bathoroom, pee your pee down the toilet, and pour the bottle of synthetic urine into the test vial container, zip up, put away, hand bottle to lab tech,, walk out with a smile,,, badda bing
So heres what i know. Ive been keeping things light until i complete my DOT physical. Usually 2 or 3 weeks in between indulgences. Last week from mon to fri i went through about 8 bowls among 2 or 3 friends. I went through 1g over a 48 hr period friday through sunday by myself. I get the news today that my DOT physical is wednesday. Im hoping for some insight on this and this page seems like a decent crowd. I took a home test today and failed. Mind you this was with poor hydration on a piss id been holding for 4hrs. I wanted to see what a dirty normal day would yield. I know cleansers really only help with dillution but i picked up a bottle of Rescue Detox ICE at a local shop too. All i know is, how much i smoked last week, that im dirty atm, and i have a test wednesday. If anyone can share any insight that will help me to avoid having to crash my car wednesday to avoid this thing i will be eternally grateful.
Depends on how high speed of a drug test it is... There are test that can pick up differences in hormones which would be able to tell whether it was a man or woman. These test however, are very pricey and not the typical go to when using a drug test on the everyday level.
Of course they could test for sex. They don't. I work in one of the most heavily scrutinized industries there is. When tested, mine gets sent to Quest Diagnostics and one other. Quest is one of the largest and most sophisticated labs in the world. Results are received generally in 48 hours. I HAVE used female piss twice. I researched it prior. Unfounded naysayers should do the same.
Of course they could test for sex. They don't. I work in one of the most heavily scrutinized industries there is. When tested, mine gets sent to Quest Diagnostics and one other. Quest is one of the largest and most sophisticated labs in the world. Results are received generally in 48 hours. I HAVE used female piss twice. I researched it prior. Unfounded naysayers should do the same.
lol you're cute. I worked for one of the most heavily scrutinized industries in the world. THE US MILITARY. At one point I had the ever so splendid responsibility of being the UA. When I was the company UA I actually did see a FEW people get busted for this shit. The Army is a cheap clusterf*ck that generally goes with the cheapest of everything. I too didn't think it would be a problem, until it was. They might not have tested it in yours, your buddies, your gf, your bf, or maybe not even the OP, but to generalize something like this is stupid. You have used female piss twice in your life and that gives you enough evidence to tell others they are wrong and should follow your lead. hmmm ok f*ck it, use dog piss.
I don't know have never used quick fix but from what i have read some people have had problems with it. im not saying its bad some people may just not have used it correctly(it happens) i thought that some states( oregon and washington that i know of) they can test for the urea and uric acid depending on the states specification right? do they have multiple kits because if it does work 100% then would definitely order 1 cuz you never know when you might need to test and it is probably way better then drinking SURE-GEL (tastes horrid but gets the job done) but ik that the gel has worked for me for years jobs etc. and life has taught me if it isn't broke dont fix it. BUt i also dont like having all my eggs i 1 basket.
you want the trick? have done this multiple times go to the grocery store and get some SURE-GEL it's a perservitive for canning fruits etc. about 2 hours before you go to get tested you mix up 1 pack in a 12 oz glass of water and slam it. It tastes horrid and gritty after that drink 3 glasses of water try to piss once or twice before you go to clean and excess meds out of your immediate system and your good to go the SURE- GEL coats your system making to where the water you just drank is going to be the piss that comes out of your body pretty sweet a really old buddy of mine told me about this works for just about alll med types best part no looking like an idiot with 2 penises xD
I have heard about the effectiveness of this, but until the test becomes supervised I feel it less risky to use borrowed real or quality fake piss...and a plastic bottle works just fine.
lol you're cute. I worked for one of the most heavily scrutinized industries in the world. THE US MILITARY. At one point I had the ever so splendid responsibility of being the UA. When I was the company UA I actually did see a FEW people get busted for this shit. The Army is a cheap clusterf*ck that generally goes with the cheapest of everything. I too didn't think it would be a problem, until it was. They might not have tested it in yours, your buddies, your gf, your bf, or maybe not even the OP, but to generalize something like this is stupid. You have used female piss twice in your life and that gives you enough evidence to tell others they are wrong and should follow your lead. hmmm ok f*ck it, use dog piss.
If you are uncomfortable with the truth, feel free to match your gender and species, however up-in-the-air that is.
If you are uncomfortable with the truth, feel free to match your gender and species, however up-in-the-air that is.
Your truth means nothing when I have seen your statement proven false. The average test would more than likely not test for gender, but to say that it doesn't exist in a drug test is false.
I do have some frozen human urine, when you thaw out you have to strain it trhu a coffee filter, then heat it up and strap it to your leg
cool well ill have to get 1 try it next time and will let you guys know how it goes am in florida btw so waiting for NOV to roll around have another go at this amendment 2 as always great info on this site i love the arguing and all because it allows you to see things from many different perspectives and learn different ways to handle the same situation thanks agian everyone for all the info :)
cool well ill have to get 1 try it next time and will let you guys know how it goes am in florida btw so waiting for NOV to roll around have another go at this amendment 2 as always great info on this site i love the arguing and all because it allows you to see things from many different perspectives and learn different ways to handle the same situation thanks agian everyone for all the info :)
we legalized here in Oregon almost 2 years ago,
oregon and colorado both allow employers to drug test, so we can grow, we can smoke and not go to jail,, but we can still lose our jobs or be denied employment,, I want REAL FREEDOM!!!
why is it someone can get roaring ass drunk, and stumble into work hung over, and yet I wake up every day refreshed and ready to go, ,, but I am the bad guy,, grrrr,,
here in Oregon attitudes are changing,, but its a slow boat to china, going to be a few more years yet,,
Your truth means nothing when I have seen your statement proven false. The average test would more than likely not test for gender, but to say that it doesn't exist in a drug test is false.
Sorry, your bullshit hearsay does not sway reality.