New to the world of growing, recomendation for my grow?



I am diving head first into the world of growing. I got my seeds from a bag of dro, germinated them in a moist paper towel under sunlight for a few days and eventually got about 6 to the point of being ready to be planted. I then planted them in a small container. I have been putting them out in the sun for now, but it is time for me to get the operation together.

Attached is a pic at current state (1 week after being planted)

I want to grow a small amount inside a closet (white walls already) and I am seeking lighting recomendations. I would like to get CFLs and rely on opening the door for ventilation (not looking to get a big set up/anything fancy..this is my first attempt after all).

Attached is a pic of the space.

Basically I am looking for recomendations with what to do with my new plants. When should I put them in their own containers? What size should the containers be? What would you recommend for lighting ( I am thinking of getting 5 42w 4600 cfl warm whites). I intend to use scotts potting soil as I read it is fairly neutral. Also can you recommend what to be doing for watering/fertilizer/nutrients/lighting cycle.

Please no comments about my noob-ness, yes I have a lot to learn!




Well-Known Member
what a noob lol.
I would get your seedlings into there own pot one each . Makes ez when you go to thin them "get rid of the males" if you can leave them outside in the sun. There are lots of ways to grow. Read up on some threads to see what works best for you. Check out the on line growong class 101 thread.

fried at 420

Well-Known Member
yea if the summers are long and sunny where you are id just keep em outside makes it easier for u insted of a high electric bill that may jeprodise your shit
thats what im doing ive got 2 seedlings inside cuz i started over with sum better beans and 7 plants and 2 seedlings are outside 2 plants are close 2 revealing sex as the calyxs are starting to show
but yea put dem i theyre own cups those red plasic dixie cup 16oz are good


I deff want to move this all inside at some point (but I read starting a small grow outside can be good for immunities etc). As i said, these things were planted 7 days ago. So at this stage I will transplant them into their own dixie cups. And get them underneath a fluorescent tube light that is around ~ 5000k-6000k spectrum.

What about for water/nutrients?

--if you all have any quick answers without pointing me around that would help a lot. I don't have that much time to sit around trying to 'learn' this stuff, currently working 2 jobs that are pretty demanding.



Well-Known Member
dixie cups? naw arent those them little wax paper ones you rinse your mouth with? you want 16 oz beer pong cups at least

dont wory about nutes for about a month, all they need is water and light. make sure the cups have drainage holes and let the soil dry out between waterings

sory if you dont have time to read but ive awnsered so many similar questions that now i just refer people to simpsonsampsons guide to save my self time. read it when ever you can, its a long read but will awnser ANY question you might have


dixie cups? naw arent those them little wax paper ones you rinse your mouth with? you want 16 oz beer pong cups at least

dont wory about nutes for about a month, all they need is water and light. make sure the cups have drainage holes and let the soil dry out between waterings

sory if you dont have time to read but ive awnsered so many similar questions that now i just refer people to simpsonsampsons guide to save my self time. read it when ever you can, its a long read but will awnser ANY question you might have
I hear you man. And yes I meant those beer pong cups.

Should I transplant all of them (even the smaller ones in the pic) into their own? How long should I keep them in the cup for?

And regarding watering, how should I be doing this? How much water per plant/what frequency(every other day?). I am currently taking tap water and leaving it in a container on a windowsill for 24 hours and then taking it in a tea spoon and watering around the plants.

And do you think it is a good idea to bring them indoors and start a regimented 18/6 under a fluorescent light?



Well-Known Member
yes 18/6 indoors will yield good results. yes put them in their own cups.

i think your watering technique needs an upgrade lol. what i do is leave a few water bottles out for a few days, check ph, but its always the same for me anyways, so i dont bother anymore. i have one bottle cap with like 6-8 pin holes poked in it. i put the cap on a bottle of home distilled water and squeze the water out of the bottle at the plants around the roots first and then a quick spray of the leafs. when i transplant to bigger pots i use a real watering bucket.

have you heard of the finger test? its where you put your finger about an inch into the soil to see if its really dry, and wait till it is dry before watering again


yes 18/6 indoors will yield good results. yes put them in their own cups.

i think your watering technique needs an upgrade lol. what i do is leave a few water bottles out for a few days, check ph, but its always the same for me anyways, so i dont bother anymore. i have one bottle cap with like 6-8 pin holes poked in it. i put the cap on a bottle of home distilled water and squeze the water out of the bottle at the plants around the roots first and then a quick spray of the leafs. when i transplant to bigger pots i use a real watering bucket.

have you heard of the finger test? its where you put your finger about an inch into the soil to see if its really dry, and wait till it is dry before watering again
Good info! I am going out now to get some stuff for dinner, I will pick up a fluorescent light, and the cups. I will do the transplant tonight. I am going to keep this thread as a journal/update with pics etc. Cheers mate!


New update:

Transplanted my 6 seedlings into their own pots. Used more scotts potting soil. I am looking around now into getting a fluorescent tube lighting fixture (2 tubes) to use for my grow inside. I am thinking of getting a 48".

Comments/suggestions welcome!!!:hump:

Pics from today are attached. :joint:



Well-Known Member
the tubes will only work for a little while. they just don't put off enough light to grow good plants. they will grow just not fast or thick. I've had pretty good luck vegging with a 100w cfl. last gorw I used a 100w and a 80w cfl to veg then into flower with a 400w hps.


well im started mine a week ago and im growin out doors so how do i no if there males and imma put pics soon pls if you no any way to tell let me no im new to this so all info helps


Id like to ask that there will be no more hijacking of this thread (my journal!). Politely of course!


Day 8: today I picked a space to grow in. It is the shower in my unfinished basement. I bought 3, 2 packs of 27 watt fluros (5600k) and I use 6 clamp style fixtures (had around the house).

I am going to put white plastic up tomorrow, and get an oscillating fan in there.

Question: how much/and often should I be watering my seedlings? I have currently been doing about 2 teaspoons around the roots every other day. (and I am leaving a bottle of water out on a windowsill every day for 24hrs)

Question: what is the ideal way to place the fan? Overhead? or just from a side?

Question: what sort of lighting schedual should I be following now? I am going to do 18/6 later, but I am unsure if I am even in the Veg state yet? I read some suggesting 24hrs for the first week, and then to go into 18/6 for veg than 12/12 for flower. Help??


I intend to buy more lighting as needed, although I am on the fence between getting a 400w MH and using the CFLs as supplements, or whether to just buy more CFLs (of course changing when it comes time to flower...but we are ways away from that!)

I have certainly learned a lot in the last week about all of this stuff! And I hope that the knowledge you all are imparting on me will lead to a successful first grow! I can totally see myself getting more serious about this down the road! It is pretty fun!

Well its 11:30, time to hit the vape! cheers! :hump: