New to this. A couple of bagseeds.

Ok. Is it easy to separate them? I've got a bunch more seeds that I can plant. These weren't germinated before planting prolly why they are small.


New Member
yes now is the best time to sep them
and if u want to germ so seeds with better success rate try the shot glass method

Ok. Is it easy to separate them? I've got a bunch more seeds that I can plant. These weren't germinated before planting prolly why they are small.


Well-Known Member
pre germ or not doesnt dictate size, how old r they? easy to seperate, turn pot over in hand OR cut down both sides & slide out soil mass then gently start loosing soil until it crumbles away & u easily pull them apart, then replant into pots that are READY so when u seperate u can put them right in!
It just rained a little yesterday and it was overcast so it is wet. The seeds are from a bag I got a week ago. Good shit, not border brick, and a few seeds. I also have this rose and bloom food 12-4-8 can I use this to feed them?

Green Growbot

Active Member
if you are just growing outdoor and arent expecting a huge yield, the rose bloom should work ok. the rose stuff is water soluble right?

Green Growbot

Active Member
i doubt that will work then. Im not sure but i imagine that the way roses absorb nutrients is different than the way mj plants do. If you dont have a place that sells growing nutes just for mj plants in your area, i would go get some water soluble miracle grow mix. Its about $7 and it should do some good. If it rains during the summer where you are a lot make sure that the plant isnt always sitting outside in the rain. It will get over watered and then you will never have a chance to use the nutes.
Thanks for all the advice here guys. This is good stuff. I have heard of superthrive and and fish emuslion, but like I said I'm a noob. Everyone will get a rep but may take some time. I'll prolly try some of that superthrive for about anmonth and then go to the miracle grow ferts. Is that a good idea?
I just transplant the two that were tangled into their own pots. I switched from the Dixie cups to these jiffy cups because they are harder to see than a bunch o cups everywhere. Easy just like you said.

I just picked up some superthrive at wallyworld. It says that it requires only one drop of superthrive per gallon. It's concentrated. How often do I give it to my plants?