New to This and Growing (Second Post) Need Help!


Hi everyone.Doing our first grow here for my wife for medicinal purposes.Small space about 2ftx2ftx2ft in our closet.First time I have done this just tired of paying high prices through providers.This plant is a female from a female kush seed of some kind ( I dont know the specific) but is a female seed.This is near 3 weeks old and been doing the LST method.Questions:Can I flower it after 3 weeks and will the box be big enough to handle it or can it veg more and still have room.I am using eco compost material which is a great soil locally.Using Jack's Classi 20-20-20 for veg and will switch to jack's classic 10-30-10 for flowering when ready.I have 3 cfls 100 wats in a fixture and to small grow tubes if needed.Temps are around 80 in the day and around 77-79 at night(the high temp you see is when I use the grow lights one time and shut them off when I saw the 90 degree temp),it looks to be doing o.k. but wondering if I should start to flower since the size of this box is small and have no where else to grow this.Also do I need to change out different lights to flower when I do flower or can I use what I have.I am using two small fans to blow fresh air in and one for out.Its been growing crazy from what I have seen for a 3 week old plant.Is it safe to say I can flower at 3 weeks and be o.k.?

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Well-Known Member
if tis is a clone you can flower at three weeks with no probs, i veg my clones for 4 weeks(or 18-20 inches) what ever comes 1st. just consider the plant can double in size when you switch to flower so flower when plant reaches half of your space( allowing for light aswell)

just reread your post and its a seed from a female plant, i read it as a cutting from a female, sorry. still judgeing by your photo she doesnt look very big yet i would just switch when roughly half your space is took.


Active Member
hey man,
yeah go a wee bit bigger if ur lst-ing her...have u got the right type of light spectrums for veg and flowering? and ur nuits are on the weak side to be honest, not to say that they wont sustain the plants growth, just you could be providing them with more N-P-K and micro elements, i always say that if u go with a cfl grow u need to provide everything in abundance to make up for the lacking light lumes


It is from seed.How does it look am I doing o.k. here is there something I should be doing or missing?What to expect at harvest if I cut off veg at 3 to 4 weeks as we will be out of town for two weeks in the third week in july and want it done flowering by then.What type or best type of nutes or numbers to use with lst.


Active Member
hey dude just noticed the ph tester i think??? i would not recomend using it for accurate ph measurement, if u can and they aint expencive, get a liquid ph test GHE do one and it does like 200 tests


Yeah,I kind of figured the Ph tester isnt that great but gives me an idea.Seems to be growing well with no nute burns on it and growingf fast for nearing 3 weeks under cfl's from others I have seen under CFL's.But I will get the liquid tester as this sounds to be the most accurate.


Well-Known Member
yes they look fine but i wouldnt expect to much with 100 watt cfl, why dont you buy a 150 hps(or 250) use your cfl for veg then switch to the hps for flower? you will get alot more bud for only 50 watts more power.


Aren't they expensive though and would it fit in my cabinet I am using?Where is the best place to get one?Are there any types of bulbs that will work best for normal light sockets instead?


Active Member
its near impossiable to say what ull get, looks a nice healthy colour and no signs of stress from the lst. like robster said if u flower the now u wont get much. u say uv got 2 foot of height so say deduct 1 foot for light and pot space that only leaves u bout a foot.....12" aint that much in hight it possiable to get a pic of the room so we can get a better picture or the plants hight relative to the ceiling?


Well-Known Member
Are there any types of bulbs that will work best for normal light sockets instead?
nope they need a ballast too, the cheapest way is to go to Home Depot and buy an outdoor high pressure sodium yard light and splice an electric cord onto it so that you can plug it in.


Well-Known Member
150 hps arnt expensive there only 20 english pound or about 40 dollers if your from america, it will be a good investment the extra bud you get at the end will make it up to you, ive got a 600 hps and ive only got about 4 foot so a 150 will be fine in your space, youve already got 100 watts in there so your only adding 50 more, plus youve got air comeing in and out , heres another 150 from htg


Here is the best pic I could get due to the tight space it is in.Tell me what you think.I do have the plant lifted on boxes to make it close to the light without burning it(did the hand over the plant trick).Should I nute them every water time or every other as directions for 1 gallon mix is every other.



Well-Known Member
i feed them every other watering but some do every 3rd, dont feed every time m8, youve still got alot of room there i would veg for longer and that 150 would go in there no problem. hounestly you wont regret it, and once youve got it you dont need to buy a new one for a while, its not like you have to buy it every grow,

p.s i dont want to come across as though im pushing you into a new light as you ve got a nice little setup there and if your going to stick with cfls you will def want a few more in there for flower( 2700 kelvin)


Active Member
yup the robster's spot on i'd get that 150w, yeah man every other watering, nuits are great but they do love do linger about in soil. i'd say that once the blue box is taken away and its time to remove the next box change over to flowering 12/12
Nice little stealth grow area. If I read you correctly you are looking for the plant to be finished by the 3rd week in July? If so then it's about time to flip the switch as you will need at least 8 weeks of flower. If you are going to stay cfl then it would be very beneficial to go to a warmer kelvin bulb- 2700k which emits more of the red spectrum the plants use to produce buds.

As for the ferts, the Jack's classic is good stuff. The only proof you need are those gorgeous lush looking green leaves you've got :)

In terms of when to fert, it's always better to start light and gradually increase rather than to over-fert and deal with nute burn. I only fert when my plants look like they are hungry. Ususally every 2nd to 3rd watering. There really is no set schedule. Every grow is different due to different environments and the variation in genetics from plant to plant. Each plant will have different nutritional needs and metabolisms, just as different humans do.

You can read a book about how to fly an airplane from front to back, but you won't ever become a better pilot until you log the flight time. Basically, the experience you get from growing makes your subseqent grows better, due to learning from mistakes, and making observations. I keep journals that I write in every day, recording what I am doing to each plant, what each plant looks like day to day, making notations regarding different phenotypes per strain etc.

Good luck! Looks like you are doing well so far.



Thanks!She is growing rapidly allot bigger in size and allot more leaves since my last pics here.If I do flip the switch now or within this week what do you think I might yield from something like this?I wish I could go longer with her as she is beautiful but we wont be in town for a week to a week and a half in July and I don't trust leaving her on her own.
Yield varies depending on a lot of things- plant genetics, environment, lighting, etc. Typically the more healthy roots and lush green leaves you have the better yield you will have. Obviously you will not get pounds off of the plant but I would say all things considered it would take nearly a perfect grow with your environment to get close to an ounce (dried) off her. More likely would be between 1/2 to 3/4. Dry weight is one thing, but properly harvesting, trimming and curing is most important as well in terms of having good quality smoke.

LST-ing is definitly a must for your space. I have a bit bigger space and top for 4 main colas per plant. I also transplant from cups to 5gal grow bags once the 3rd node appears, then when the plants have 5-7 nodes I top em, and clone the tops. I then veg the topped plants for 4-6 weeks under a 400w MH and keep them under the MH for the first 2 weeks of flower to make sure there is plenty of lush greenness and roots, and stems sturdy enough to hold the buds. The 4 colas open up and let more light penetrate through to the bottom buds. Gotta thank Uncle Ben for that. He is the master, although I don't always get 4 colas. Once again, it depends on the plant genetics and how well it responds to the topping. I generally yield anywhere between 2-4 oz's per plant. Yield does indeed vary within the same strain and even within seeds from the same mom, as they all have similar, but not exact genetic compositions.

Keep up the good work!


Thank you I was hoping my wife could get anywhere between a quarter and a half to a 1/2 ounce as this is all she will need until the next plant is done.If I can get at least this much then I would be happy.Do I need to cut the top off of this and if so when should I do it,would like to clone but we wont be here the a week in july and have no other place to veg the clone as well so should I top or leave it alone and let it flower the way it is?