New to this!

yo yo oreo

Well-Known Member
Well, while I say new I have done shrooms once before. I really enjoyed it too, a buddy and I each took an eighth of an ounce and was tripping for at least 8-9 hours. Even though it was my first time, it was his third so I felt better about doing it with him.
However, that was almost a year ago now. I'd like to try something else. I realize there are LOTS of different hallucinogens out there, but I'm having trouble finding ones I can purchase online. (from creditable sources of course) So if anyone here can help me that'd be great! If you don't want to post it here feel free to send me a pm too. Any help is greatly appreciated lol! In the meantime I'll be checking out past threads to see what I can find. :)


Active Member
You should research, and try Salvia. It's legal almost everywhere, and easy to find online.

If you're truly interested in such things, I suggest you start reading through this section of the forum page by page. There is a plethora of information laid within for those willing to do the work.

yo yo oreo

Well-Known Member
Oh yeah salvia! I've done that before, actually got some drying as we speak. It grows naturally in my area. Though I'm told you can eat just the fresh leaves too.


Well-Known Member
I can buy san pedro locally, and if i really wanted, i could go out and find me some peyote... but lotta work and dont wanna kill a innocent little endangered cacti.

any ways, there are a number of easy to find or grow hallucinogens.

I think you'd like a small book that I own but you can find it here on erowid,
its really more of a list that includes a little basic info, sum aren't as great as others , ex. tobacco, caffeine..
again click..
Here for Growing the hallucinogens

Here are some direct links to its contents


Magic Goba

Well I'll tell you what. I might not be a green thumbed ninja like the rest of these guys but when it comes to chemicals and their reactivity in biochem I'd love to help ya out :D
In fact I just made a post about Datura Metel. It's dangerous as fugg if you don't know what you're doing but if you are experienced enough in psychotropics and deliriants it can be pretty interesting. People say that is has no spiritual strength but the saying is sturdy: Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. (Even if we're referencing to a spiritual eye.)
I planned on dosing and posting up the results of this batch but couldn't find a place... So thanks for giving me some where to bs XD
Happy weeding and keep an eye out for my reports.

Magic Goba

So I dosed with 3 shots of double concentrated datura metel tea. I have to say that I am extremely spacey already and I have that hallow feeling that benadryl gives you at first but without the sedative effect. I think I might have finally found this batches strength because anything less than this gave a mild euphoria and then crashed. Obviously if I don't report back within the next 2 hours I am either to delirious to type or I am passed the hell out.
Happy weeding and wish me luck.


Well-Known Member
Here's an excerpt from an experience report on Erowid

"I spit another substantial hocker on the wallpaper.

'Tim! This is your house. Have some respect, STOP SPITTING ON THE WALLS!'

I spit on the floor.

'What the fuck, Tim?'
'Hey, at least I didn't spit on the wall.'

I grab a spoon off the table and seem to be trying to smoke it. I make as if I'm lighting it with an invisible lighter and take a deep breath.

'eer.' I offer David the spoon.
'No thanks.' He takes the spoon away from me."


Well-Known Member
This part is fucking funny too

I walked away and grabbed my dogs food bowl and went downstairs; down to my fridge where I carefully place the dish on top.

'She doesn't need it, and I don't like her anyway,' I said, either anticipating his question or maybe just talking to myself.

I open my fridge and begin digging into the pockets of my boxers...except they didn't have pockets.

'I'm so thirsty. I don't think I have any change,' I look at Doogie.
'You don't need change, this is your house. That's your pop!'
' you have fifty cents?'

He reaches in and pulls out a Brisk Iced Tea and opens it for me. I take a single sip, set it down, pull out a fresh can, open it, take a single sip, set it down, reach for another....Doogie stops me.

'You've lost your mind, you realize...,' says Doogie.

I cackle maniacally and spit on the fridge.

Full Circle

Active Member
Hi there bud .... New at it huh ?

Some will probably disagree with my opinion ... But I would tell you to try the old standards first .... In this order preferabbly :

LSD then MDMA ( Molly ) ....

I would do those BEFORE trying any RCs personally .... But good luck to ya !


Well-Known Member
hahahahahahahahahaha. thats hilarious. sounds like maybe he threw a few xanex or ambien into the mix too. fuckin hilarious man.
Yeah the guy who wrote it is a good writer, he had me cracking up through the whole thing. I'm still laughing over it

'You've lost your mind, you realize...,' says Doogie.

I cackle maniacally and spit on the fridge.


Well-Known Member
personaly i would like to say, if your new to this start off small and work your way to the top :) it will condition you to know what to expect. and allow your mind to cope with the changes that WILL take place.

DXM / mushrooms. at lower doses (300 MG DXM / 2g mush) it will simpley "awaken" your mind, not necessarily make you trip balls....
MDMA (clean...) its good for public situations of awakening, kind of like the lower doses of DXM / mush. but the trip is totaly different. you can mix MDMA and mushrooms to make "hippe flips".
LSD / mescaline. your starting to move "up the ladder" when you get to these drugs. these drugs can be VERY powerful at higher doses, but also very pleasant at lower doses.

High dosing Mushrooms / LSD. this will take you to places never thought of or seen before. 6-8 Grams of mushrooms for someone with a low tollerance, or 10 grams for someone with a tollerance. 300-400 UG of LSD should take you to the same places......

i started with DXM and i still love it. im doing it today actualy, thats what lead me here again...... DXM / LSD and mescaline can be potentiated with grapefruit juice. the fuice inhibits an enzime in your kidneys and makes the trip stronger, and longer. be careful, and have fun :)

Edit: dont buy random "mollys" on the street. it could be ANYTHING. literaly.