New toy I made Gro2


Well-Known Member
Hi guys!! Well, this time I wanted to do it properly so I will be putting my progress on this journal, I had a great following on the last posting and it really helped me out during my first grow, I am not quite up to how many I wanted on gro 2 cuz I,m a little low on cash Its harder than I thought to get rid of 22 ounces of top rated weed,my buyer had to go on vacation (ain't a sunny vacation tho) I have 55 going strong, another 40 cumin up, and I am buyig 150 on wednesday so it'll bring things up , but I,m right pressed for time, me babies need to be short flowering for the next gro cuz my millenium has time to finish its been started for a couple weeks but I have about 60 days till moving time so I have a 50 to 55 day opening for a successful grow, lol I love it when all is on the line!!!! well I will start this journal the right way,,,, here are a few pics of the new ones coming up....thanksfor droppin in and again,,,, if you have a thought well............LET HER RIP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

peace y'all



Well-Known Member
Sorry peeps , didn,t start by the beginning, I am growing vertical, in a system I built thus the title new toy I made.. I have a 4 x 4 x 7 high box with vertical growall units iside 6 for now 18 one day, will have around 150 plants in it, was suppose to be more but i split it in 2 for the other grow I am doing in the country, so I have a 2000watts hps in a vertical cooltube vented by 2 blowers pulling the air in the attic, I have 2 other fans on the box , one extracting the air through a carbon filter and another just blowing new air in with the help of the air exchanger, its a wonderful little toy its working wonders right now, I had it besides a 600 watt light taking care of a few other plants last grow, it made the place hot as hell, but just the box closed with it fully working may change the temp. 5 degrees in the room now, i'm extatic about that , it worried me. I am in week one of flowering now going into week 2 , my babies are freakin long and bushy, its nice to see but i,m worried about how big they will get in the 50 day process, i,ll put strings and shit if I have to but i'm lettin em ride it out, I have 24inches to the lite so i don't care if they go all the way, I,m curious as to how big they can be pumped out of there, we'll see, thee other 100 cuttings should be here tomorrow so I will let them under 24 mh for a few days and then make em join ranks with these babies, gotta do better than 24 ounces , (last harvest) still got 22 to get rid of ain't easy being over

using Canna Aqua vega and flo and Rhizotonic for root stimulator, Cannazyme for water quality
ph 5.8 to6.2 always seem tohave toruble keepin it dow exactly to 5.8

now in day 7 (i think) of flower or 8 will check later
ppm around 900ppm still on vege nutes until another 2 weeks might reduce that time if they really are getting too long.

treated for : spider mites, 1 treatment left waiting for the cuttings to get here and I,ll pass them in te treatment, its a fogger so once everyone is in place I will make 1 last radical shot to rid permanantly of these little buggers, although I havn't seen any for a few days.

well thats about the jist of it so i,ll keep a post update and hope you enjoy



Well-Known Member
Sounds like you are going to have even more this time around!!! So getting rid of it will be even harder next time, but not a bad problem to have at all!! Like I told you before I don't sell any of mine, its all for me and the wife. I have 2 plants still going from the first set of 12 plants I had, but the first 10 I took down, we have already smoked most of it, and I am already stressing out about running out. LOL!!! I need more!!! I need your setup but me like you, I have no money!! :( My money problem won't be fixed unless I can grow enough for myself, which is hard to do without money!!


Well-Known Member
well that's why I sell mine..loll to get rid of the money aspect of growing, i might have that problem solved in 2 days so i,m not stressin, represents a nice lump to keep going, still forkin out another 650.00 out of my own pocket tomorrow again tho, but it'll come back to me. I knew in the beginning that if i didn't sell off most of it i wouldn't last cuz its just too expensive to grow, elect,nutes,and all the equipment, it would of been my last grow if I didn't have a few k out of it. I keep 2 ounces for me and i liquidate the rest in 45 days I have some ready anyway so its all good, you should really think about finding a quicker grow method, i like my hydro kit cuz i don't have to wait a month before stickin them in flower mode. gettin my cuttings tomorrow , anxious to be totally back on gro2 i hope it'll asll go well, so far the babies are rocketing i ill have plants twice the length of the las ones if it keeps at this rate,

question: how do you like the smoke? do you find it killer or ok?

I find it ok, I was expecting something a little more potent i have to admit, fuck I can't wait to find a smoke that really blows me the fuck away, I am ordering some white russian and ppp plant seeds for the summer hobby grow (that's apart from the box and other gro i,m doin..lloll). I,ll be growing them just to get them sexed and cloned for the late summer i'd like to do a half and half gro 1 box of each so 436 clones of each , sounds like my summer is pretty much cut out for me huh? I love this stuff man! I am just waiting to be moved then look out !! my plans go into action.....anyway I am just blabbing on here so let me know what you really think of the smoke.....


Well-Known Member
Hi email!!! yeah viva la just wanted to let y'all know that 125 white widow cuttings are confirmed to arrive monday nite at my doorstep!!!!!!!!Yahouuuuuuuuuu!!!!!!! so I will have a total of 177 plants in the bos minus my elected mommies!!!!!! ain't that a freakin trip!!!


Well-Known Member
sorry it took so long for me to find ya.

hell im not even gonna read it just yet....bout to take a nap.

damn kids got me tired as fuck!


Well-Known Member
ahhh shit!"!! its nice to be back boyz!!!!!! and to have y'all back too, as we start another ride!!!!

I saw a guy on here with a moto that said and I quote ``I am exactly the man i always wanted to be`` well today boyz I totally feel what he means, this feeling of freedom of self that comes from living outside the imposed bounderies makes a man feel alive!!! and mostly it makes a man realize that his life does belong to him, even if the elite reduce the population to slavery, this man is a FREE MAN!!! with dreams , aspirations, and thanks to his fucking hobby, MORE AND MORE MONEY!!!! AHHH VIVA LA VITA SMOKA!!!


Well-Known Member
You and your toy man. Whatever. So what if i'm jealous. F you man.
Great stuff.

High tech Pot


Well-Known Member
thanks DaSprout , I think......loll I know i can't get enough of my toy..lolol ...but its such an easy toy to make thats the fascinating part....!


Well-Known Member
yeah and the nice thing about it is, just like my plants, its slowly growing every time just a little bigger and more will be fully grown for the july start . and it will also have a sister cuz box 2 will be up and running end of july. ouh lala

It's 5 o'clock somewhere

Well-Known Member
Old fart's club part two..... I don't have your aspirations but share your love of the hobby. I'll be watching to find out what you think of the WW smoke. I want to try some next winter.... Good luck..


Well-Known Member
here is a question for the Wite Widow connaisseurs, if i start the flowering on the 15 may do you think i,,l be ok harvesting on the 27 of july even if its say 15 to 20 days early? should i still go ahead and grow them, cuz i don,t have much of a choice but i still want it to be worth the trouble.


Well-Known Member
go figure..... so much for the nap....

i tried, it aint happening.....they wont let me go back to sleep!


Well-Known Member
Just checking in to get a good seat for the "New Toy I Made" the sequel.:joint::hump:
Loooooking Gooood !!!
Man that is a lot of plants, amazing to think that you're not even at full capacity.
Hey what are the little white things in this picture from the first page?


Well-Known Member
yeah i know imagine 400 plants in there, i promise that byhe end of the summer I will have it running full steam, we will see if it can actually pump out as much weed as I think. The white points in the pic are just water drops had just foliar sprayed them..., I'll put up some dry pics tonite, I can't wait to see them, the difference is so substantial from day to day that its like christmas every


Well-Known Member
Hey peeps, well, 11 days into flowering and things are developping in a more than satisfactory way, my 52 babies are totally green, totally happy and in a 3 day period I had to add 50 liters of water , so they like the mix and shit is gettin sucked in, I am luckier on this one for some reason, my PH sets itself at 5.8 after I cocktail the water with the nutes Rhizo and enzymes , I don't have to do anything besides keep an eye on it, I killed and got rid of my original mommy today, she has been very good to me , she gave me a shit load of babies, s i retired her, I have many going now that will be mommies for me , plus of course let us not forget my 125 WhiteWidows arriving monday, so she was too demanding for what she would of put out, I think i need to look closer at how and where on the plant I take my clones to make sure she lasts longer. something i definitely lack is cloning skills, it ain't my strength, but i'll start looking into it more once my permanant room is up and running, cuz altho i,m weak at it now , its one of the parts of growing that fascinate me the most, so enjoy the pics and let me know what you think as always.

P.S I puit a pic of my system running , you see the water running through the whole , thought it would interest someone ...maybe....i dunno.....anyway you don,t have to look!!!!!! ...(shit...that paranoia again...)

INPORTANT QUESTION???? should I trim the bottom of my little trees (supercropping) cuz my babies are branching out into multiple bud sites?

peace friends

