new type of deficiency i cant find pics of, normal leaf but with dark veins. Also brown spots but not like Ca


Active Member
Humidity and temp controlled at 65-70%, temp 75-79 degree F / 24-26 degree C
Feeding 2x day in coco with 30% perlite (all coco was flushed before use until Ec at 280 but not pre treated with Cal/Mag), Nutes used Canna A and B at 1200Ec, with Cannazyme and Cannaboost (do i really need these..) ?
Water is pH 6 to 6.1 and after nutes around 5.9-6
Soil pH 5.9 to 6.2
Light is 15" with PAR of 310, i now increased this to 445 today after measuring it and seeing it on the low side. Thoughts about increasing to 600?

Has anyone seen this before, not all of my plants have it, just some.
Dark green veins but no yellowing so not magnesium, what is it?

Dark green veins.jpg

And with this the brown spots, do not look dark enough to be calcium but some pics say pH fluctuations but i thought i had that pretty good and only 2 plants have this.

Brown spots.jpg

Last concern is this with 'burn marks' ? Only 2 plants with about 3 leaves have it and PAR is 300-400 15" away so hard to imagine.

burn marks.jpg

Any help is appreciated, thank you !
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Well-Known Member
Brown spotting probably calcium deficiency. Bottom of the leaf with purple? No idea. Necrotic spots are nothing to worry about unless they start appearing elsewhere.


Well-Known Member
no one has seen this or have i posted it in the wrong area ?
You're in the right area but there doesn't seem to be a lot wrong with the plants but hard to tell with only a few leaves to look at and none of the whole plants.

1200EC? PPM more like but you should learn the difference. Can print this one out if you want.


A few bad leaves does not a problem make unless you do like many and start messing with things too much. What little I can see in the background things look pretty good.


Don't Bogart

Well-Known Member
Found this .

I saw three descriptions that could fit your problem. Copper deficiency, Nitrogen toxicity, phosphorous deficiency.
Anyway the site looks helpful.

Star Dog

Well-Known Member
Check out post #7

I'm not saying it is but they have a distinct purple colour.

Fwiw cannazye, boost whatever just creates problems, leave them out of it and you almost can't go wrong with a+b provided your heat, light and ventilation are up to scratch.


Well-Known Member
Trying to identify a problem online is like trying to identify a health issue using WebMD. When in doubt, flush it on out. (I just made that up!) Then adjust anything that you feel might be causing it.

The bottom picture might be caused by stray water droplets magnifying the light. But who knows? I temporarily get the same burn in the second picture after transplanting sometimes. Overall the don't look too bad to me. It's good to be concerned, but as long as it isn't wide spread I think they'll be fine. Just flush and work back up from a light feeding. It may be something else, but at least you'll know it isn't the food.


Active Member
You're in the right area but there doesn't seem to be a lot wrong with the plants but hard to tell with only a few leaves to look at and none of the whole plants.

1200EC? PPM more like but you should learn the difference. Can print this one out if you want.

View attachment 4838384

A few bad leaves does not a problem make unless you do like many and start messing with things too much. What little I can see in the background things look pretty good.

Thank for posting this, my meter is in mS, so im not sure what the nutrient charts base their recommendations on ?
Seems my nutes are at 600-650ppm based on Hannah. Here is a pic of the deficiencies, and how the other plants are doing on just 1.2 to 1.3 mS

per 10L (i will get actual mS amount but for now the ml)
1ml silica 16% (just started)
8ml Cal/Mg 5/0.5% (was not doing every watering)
15ml Canna A + B
20ml Humeric acid 0.4% (just started)

ph balanced to 5.9 to 6

So really was just getting Canna A + B and sometimes Cal/Mg

Anyone have good recommendations of mS for each nutrient?



Well-Known Member
Are u using soil ? If so PH needs to be more in the 6.5-6.8 ph range .... the PH range your using is more for hydro or coco


Well-Known Member
Thank for posting this, my meter is in mS, so im not sure what the nutrient charts base their recommendations on ?
Seems my nutes are at 600-650ppm based on Hannah. Here is a pic of the deficiencies, and how the other plants are doing on just 1.2 to 1.3 mS

per 10L (i will get actual mS amount but for now the ml)
1ml silica 16% (just started)
8ml Cal/Mg 5/0.5% (was not doing every watering)
15ml Canna A + B
20ml Humeric acid 0.4% (just started)

ph balanced to 5.9 to 6

So really was just getting Canna A + B and sometimes Cal/Mg

Anyone have good recommendations of mS for each nutrient?
Now that you show the whole plants they look fine. When there are deficiencies it affects all the leaves in the same class like how low N or Mg will affect all the oldest fan leaves first. A few lower leaves with problems doesn't mean a deficiency. It often means they aren't getting enough light so the plant is just sucking anything good out of them and they end up looking crappy. I leave them on until they are really crappy then just pluck them off.

I don't even bother checking the EC/ms of my nutes. I just use half of the recommended high level and if I start getting yellow fan leaves I'll feed more. I know from testing that if I use 1ml/L of each of my 3-part AN nutes the EC is 0.6/300ppm, (Hanna scale), using good RO water. As the nutes are pH Perfect I haven't bothered checking pH for the last few years. Should never try adjusting the pH of AN nutes anyway or it screws them up. I've learned to trust the technology and it works fine in DWC or the soilless ProMix HP I grow in.

What are you using for water and what is it's EC/ms? I don't use our tap water regularly as it comes from a dugout on my property and is 400ppm and pH 8+. If I'm adding organics to my mix then I'll use some unfiltered to get some free beneficial bacteria etc into the pots.



Active Member
Now that you show the whole plants they look fine. When there are deficiencies it affects all the leaves in the same class like how low N or Mg will affect all the oldest fan leaves first. A few lower leaves with problems doesn't mean a deficiency. It often means they aren't getting enough light so the plant is just sucking anything good out of them and they end up looking crappy. I leave them on until they are really crappy then just pluck them off.

I don't even bother checking the EC/ms of my nutes. I just use half of the recommended high level and if I start getting yellow fan leaves I'll feed more. I know from testing that if I use 1ml/L of each of my 3-part AN nutes the EC is 0.6/300ppm, (Hanna scale), using good RO water. As the nutes are pH Perfect I haven't bothered checking pH for the last few years. Should never try adjusting the pH of AN nutes anyway or it screws them up. I've learned to trust the technology and it works fine in DWC or the soilless ProMix HP I grow in.

What are you using for water and what is it's EC/ms? I don't use our tap water regularly as it comes from a dugout on my property and is 400ppm and pH 8+. If I'm adding organics to my mix then I'll use some unfiltered to get some free beneficial bacteria etc into the pots.

Thanks for the help. Its tank water that is run through a sediment filter, then GAC/KDF filter then through a ioniser which makes it a perfect ph of 6. Adding in Si pH goes up to 7-8, then cal/mag, A+B base nutes brings it back down to around 6.2 and humeric acid (no change to pH). I then adjust pH down to 5.9 as when its in the res the air pump removes any remaining carbon dioxide and pH would head up to 6.4 which i think is how i was getting Ca/Mg deficiencies along with not adding Cal/Mag each feed.

Since im feeding 2x day, and planning to do 4x day with 1 runoff at the end, can i keep mS around 1.2 to 1.3 or do plants need more?

Ec going in is 1.2 and run off is 1.1 to 1.15 (im usually within 50 to 100 below or above). Below means i should use higher Ec?


Well-Known Member
Ah i mean coco pH not soil. I used soil as a description of the media , bad term on my behalf !
No worries I'm glad u figured out what was going on and far as your EC I would just look at it like this if your plant is healthy and green no need for more if u see it getting really hungry u can tell and you then give it more but imo less is better