New Victory in Indiana!


Active Member

Isn't Indiana more conservative than Michigan?

Here in Michigan it took a ballot initiative to get limits of 2.5oz and 12 plants total. And now our state legislature is doing its best to "reform" the law with bills that would effectively amount to a full repeal. Indiana passing mmj would be great for Michiganders as it would make our legislators look like extremists.


Active Member

Isn't Indiana more conservative than Michigan?

Here in Michigan it took a ballot initiative to get limits of 2.5oz and 12 plants total. And now our state legislature is doing its best to "reform" the law with bills that would effectively amount to a full repeal. Indiana passing mmj would be great for Michiganders as it would make our legislators look like extremists.
If the other bill passes we will have industrial hemp as well. No local stations reported this info about MMJ or industrial. I believe the state is trying to hide it until July 1st.


Well-Known Member
I haven't even seen anything about it on the news.. Like it don't even exist.. except that it's on the site..


Well-Known Member
yall next door to my right got a long way to go.. here in il. we introduced something like this a few years ago.. it has yet to pass.... last time it got shut down by 3 votes or so.. even when we had enogh politicians before hand who were for it.. when it came down to it they didnt follow threw


Well-Known Member

Isn't Indiana more conservative than Michigan?

Here in Michigan it took a ballot initiative to get limits of 2.5oz and 12 plants total. And now our state legislature is doing its best to "reform" the law with bills that would effectively amount to a full repeal. Indiana passing mmj would be great for Michiganders as it would make our legislators look like extremists.
Well did ya try to get more on previous measures and not get passed, if not its ya's on fault for putting low amount. Hell to politicians they dont know doses, for all they know it takes 1/4 oz to get medicated.
good luck indy. I live in Illinois and im looking at some time this summer too. the rep in charge of the medical cannabis bill didn't bring it up to vote because of all these pussy ass republicans . now both the house and senate are controlled by the dems so it should pass with ease.


Well-Known Member
From what I've read, so far all we got goin on is a dem n repub proposing decriminalizing posession, one says 3oz. The other says 10g. Its a baby step but one step closer. I haven't found anything about a mmj proposal tho. They need to get with the program so I can help my mom get away from the opiates the docs got her on. Its bullshit they just pump patients full of meds that really hurt ya more then they help. But anywho, thanks for the support Illinois and good luck with your bills this summer! Keep it green bongsmilie
From what I've read, so far all we got goin on is a dem n repub proposing decriminalizing posession, one says 3oz. The other says 10g. Its a baby step but one step closer. I haven't found anything about a mmj proposal tho. They need to get with the program so I can help my mom get away from the opiates the docs got her on. Its bullshit they just pump patients full of meds that really hurt ya more then they help. But anywho, thanks for the support Illinois and good luck with your bills this summer! Keep it green bongsmilie
thanks bro. i got green crack , purple dragon , and silver hash plant seeds just waiting on these scum bag criminals to sign a piece of paper


Well-Known Member
That's wassup.. I got some bag seed from a family member that he brought back from an oregon vacation.. he's just a smoker so he didn't bother rememberin the strain but it'll hold me over til I order some :-)


Indiana SB 580 Died in committe as of the 2013 session, Our fucking moron governer Mike Pence accully used it to make our possession laws harsher , Now 1/3 of an ounce is a felony here.