new ways to hide the smell of smoking weed


New Member
Thanks BluntM8 finally someone gets the message. I was beginning to lose all hope. I'm not gonna waste time on this anymore. peace and love to all.

Rastafari InI

Active Member
I had a look at the smoke buddy, and it looks ok, but how do you deal with the smoke that comes off your joint between tokes? Sure if you bong, there's less, but I'm talking joints and blunts. What if there's a few of you all smoking? Or if you want a couple of smokes? The room fills up with smoke and no other device or spray completely removes it. Open the window, and PC Plod or the neighbours get wind of it. If you're in an apartment? OK I spent a grand, but my local hydro shop does a fan and filter for £100 or about $70. It's up to you what you wanna do, but I was just suggesting a way to hide the smell of smoking as was requested by the initiator of this thread. I used a herbalaire, and it just didn't hit the spot. For the same amount of weed, I could roll a joint and get more stoned, that's just me. Plus have you ever seen 5+ people sitting in a room vapeing from plastic bags? They look like a bunch of gluesniffers! Oh, I've been smoking for 30 years. And there's no need to get insulting and call people morons for spending their own money how they like. It works for me and I'm happy. Finally, I'm a Medical professional.... there's some evidence, but not conclusive.... I'm not taking the chance with my Kids, you do what you like. Remember Bubba!
ok you were right there was no need for name calling but i was trying to get my message across strongly because you DONT NEED to spend that much on a carbon filter.

And even if you smoke joints then a smokebuddy is a very good thing to have (they are cheap and work amazing). smokebuddy is just a (very good)mini carbon filter but instead of the smoke going around the room then get sucked into the fan then through the carbon filter you just blow it straight into smokebuddy and it takes the smell straight out.
You can use a non-expensive carbon filter and a fan for the smoke coming off the joint if you want but the thing i was trying to stress is that- there is NO NEED to spend that much on a filter for hiding smoked weed smells.

I have a very good carbon filter for my growing room and a little and cheap carbon fliter and fan for 50$ (not $1000) for my smoking room for when i smoke joints but i still blow the joint smoke thru smokebuddy it still helps alot, when i smoke bongs i dont even need my cheap carbon filter i blow smoke thru smokebuddy and no smoke or smell comes out.

Also with vaporizers you tend to need to use a little bit more than you usually do (just like with cooking with weed) but cooking and vaping gets you stoned for much much longer.
If i smoked 2grams in a joint in aprox. 30mins i would be stoned for about 2hours, if i vaporize 2grams in about 30mins of the same weed ( i have tested this countless times ) i can get stoned for 5-7hours.
and for example if i smoked a 3gram joint instead of a 2gram joint i would only be more stoned for about an extra 30-45mins but if i vaped 3gram instead of 2gram i would be stoned for an extra 2hours.
The thing to note is smoking gets exponentially less and less effeicent with the more you smoke in a small time period.
At one point in my life i was smoking an insane amount so my tolerance was ludicrous and i smoked a 10gram blunt which took 2h30mins to smoke and i was nearly completely sober after 3hours i was shocked, even though my tolerance was very high it really really showed me how inefficient smoking was, you sober up very very quick compared with vaping or cooking. NOW I SHIT YOU NOT even if i had the same torlerance and i vaped 10grams in one sitting ( i cant image doing this) i would of been high for easily 8-9hours.

Vaping and cooking with weed will effect you slightly differently than smoking does some people prefer a smoking high, but it is a FACT that smoking is less efficient than vaping and cooking.

Rastafari InI

Active Member
I would have to agree on the vaporizers, I don't smoke weed any longer.......but on topic, I mask the smell of vaporizing weed, with this big marijuana patch in the back yard.......;-)..................................
Haha hilarious dude, well i sure wish i didnt have to mask the smell of my grow it smells lovely!

But what a great idea who would have ever thought to mask cannabis smell with more cannabis smell hahah simply great.\
Nice looking trees maaaan. i bloody wish i was in your shoes for that harvest (lucky fucker :weed:)


Well-Known Member
lmao 1000 bucks and you dont even have to cover up a grow.. wow, you really wanna spend that much because you THINK weeds to a.d.d, even if you smoked like a chimney, it wouldnt matter at all they wont even feel a buzz, as long as you arent blowing it in their face, so yes.. febreeze is an option. you could just take it back to middle school times, hide out in the basement with a paper towel roll and some dryer sheets
Oh, I've been smoking for 30 years. And there's no need to get insulting and call people morons for spending their own money how they like. It works for me and I'm happy. Finally, I'm a Medical professional.... there's some evidence, but not conclusive.... I'm not taking the chance with my Kids, you do what you like. Remember Bubba!
SO a grand is cheap in my eyes. If you have the cash, it works for me. Maybe you lot don't have as much to lose, or you're so selfish, you don't care about your kids. Carry on spraying shit into the air and breathing that in as well. Remember this thread when you are getting a big load from Bubba in jail with your son in the cell next door. That's your choice losers!
The funny this is, with over '30 years smoking experience' this guy came to us trying to avoid Bubba? On the flip side it sure sounds like he knows a little more about Bubba and his loads than any of us want to know. Honestly I picture a fat 45 year old overweight message therapist behind his screen name typing all his hate from a lonely basement, with his 'kids' actually being his parents/landlords. Being a person of medical reasoning...

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Well-Known Member
I'm sitting below a carbon scrubber right now in my living room. Kills the cig smoke reef whatever, sometimes people just stop by here so there's always one on scrubbing so I don't offend somebody.


Well-Known Member
a few ways, have a lot of sex with bunch of yummy girls, smell so sweet , second way. shoot off the ak47 smell fresh. 3 the girls have on perfume . 4 smoke some pcp or other drugs. 5 fart after eating white castle hamburgers . 6 bust any body in the chops if they bitch about the smell . 7 my favorite, come home stoned you cant smell weed can you ? lol im stoned right now


New Member
NightriderCO and Rastafari Inl. You're a bunch of fuckin dicks. Its like a schoolyard here... I smoke more than you.... no you dont I do..... well I grow plants.... oh yeah, mine are better than yours.... my Daddy's gonna beat you up..... etc etc Grow up you pricks.
Adios dickheads, I'm off to a better place, you stay there picking your assholes thinking you're some big shot when really you are a bunch of spotty wankers with no life. Judging from the amount of posts you make, there's not much else to live for, so roll up another fat one, find a pair of tweezers for your needle-dick and toss off to your internet Ho.
Write what you want, I am not coming back.

mr sunshine

Well-Known Member
Dont shower for a week . lace the blunt with crusty pubes, shuld do the trick. If not find some road kill and hide it under your couch. If that doesnt work smoke meth and try to fall asleep. If that doesnt work smoke a lot of cat piss and blame the smell on your cat if u dont own a cat steal ur neighbors. If that doesn't work nothing will!!