New year resolutions!


Well-Known Member
I prefer to do the Time's easier :eyesmoke:


Well-Known Member
no res, but i am making a list which has been in the works since the 18th and what i add to it i want to get done and will get done


Well-Known Member
1. Get a new job that pays better than my current one
2. Going to see In Flames concert in Feb.
3. Grow a better crop this year during my outdoor grow season

Just added to list-
4. To find and buy some Bacon Lube


Well-Known Member
News Year's Resoulution:

Post picture of bacon lube

Cool. Now I can just relax for the rest of the year.


New Member
Fact, people fail resolutions 92% of the time.

Resolutions shouldn't exsist, you should want to change at any point of the year.

putrid retch

Active Member
Yeah, that's why I was considering going 'opposite' on the New Years' Resolutions:
#1) I'm going to start smoking cigs again after being quit for 5+ yrs. I had smoked cigs (Marlboro Red) since I was 14 yrs old in 1968. Now that my lungs are nice & cleaned-out from tar & nicotine, I'm planning on restarting, getting re-addicted, & cause myself health problems.
#2) I'm going to start drinking booze again after quitting that 9 yrs ago. Alcohol was somewhat of a hobby of mine for 25+ yrs & when the hangovers started lasting longer than the booze buzz, it was time to quit. Now I'm going to drink whiskey 1st thing in the morning & begin where I left off. Time to ruin all the good I've done healthwise...I'll show them, yes sirree.
Now for the icing on the cake...J/K!!! Not a chance!! I may be old, but I'm not a moron!!:-|


Well-Known Member
Fact, this one is part of the 8%.
Actually, there are two primary studies that are often quoted in the statistics. Most mentions of some percentage on-line might not even know this. A 2007 study by Richard Wiseman from the University of Bristol found a 12% success rate. The 8% figure comes from a study at the University of Scranton which was published this past December. This study also concluded that people who explicitly make resolutions are much more likely to attain their goals than people who don’t explicitly make resolutions.


New Member
One said 64% complete and another said 38%, how does that work?

Fact is, even if you pull all the polls, links, whatever together, most people will fail, which was my point. Resolutions shouldn't exsist.


Well-Known Member
im not good at setting goals and keeping good on them... this year i vow to make sure me and my family will be much more financially stable. even if i have to go to jail over it...


Well-Known Member
Yeah, that's why I was considering going 'opposite' on the New Years' Resolutions:
#1) I'm going to start smoking cigs again after being quit for 5+ yrs. I had smoked cigs (Marlboro Red) since I was 14 yrs old in 1968. Now that my lungs are nice & cleaned-out from tar & nicotine, I'm planning on restarting, getting re-addicted, & cause myself health problems.
#2) I'm going to start drinking booze again after quitting that 9 yrs ago. Alcohol was somewhat of a hobby of mine for 25+ yrs & when the hangovers started lasting longer than the booze buzz, it was time to quit. Now I'm going to drink whiskey 1st thing in the morning & begin where I left off. Time to ruin all the good I've done healthwise...I'll show them, yes sirree.
Now for the icing on the cake...J/K!!! Not a chance!! I may be old, but I'm not a moron!!:-|
So your New Years resolution is to destroy your brain cells and increase your chances of getting cancer?