New York MJ Law


Active Member
I was looking online, and all I found from nomal, was that basically anything an Oz or more and your in trouble. There is nothing about plant counts. So it shouldn't matter if I sog 75 plants or just grow a couple trees, if they only go by weight, and I'll always have more than a Oz.


Active Member
After scrolling down further I see that cultivation Carries the same penality regardless of amount. So might as well go big right.


Well-Known Member
fellow NY'er here, be careful of thinking that more won't mean 'more'
tough call in NY, different jurisdictions have different priorities
the bigger you go, and have the misfortune to get caught, the more tempting a target for the local DA to make an example
from what i've seen, smaller grows have less painful outcomes


Well-Known Member
fellow NY'er here, be careful of thinking that more won't mean 'more'
tough call in NY, different jurisdictions have different priorities
the bigger you go, and have the misfortune to get caught, the more tempting a target for the local DA to make an example
from what i've seen, smaller grows have less painful outcomes

as a law student, i gotta go with him on this. technically, what you said is right if you're going by the books, but the adjudication and sentencing processes are handled differently based on varying factors of each individual's case. don't take unnecessary risks thinking you know how "the system" works. i'm not trying to be a dick at all but i just say that because it was honestly my attitude before i got in trouble for some shit as well. just be safe and don't get greedy.. just my opinion