New york

What red tape?

Not any more....They got away with it for quite a while though.

Ive lived in NY for 22 years, there is always a bill or proposition that sounds great on paper and then in the amount of time from conception to inception is when the real work starts, to try and hide in as many ways to cut their constituents out and cut themselves in as they can. Then the career politicians either completely ignore that they aren’t doing as promised, like in this current situation or they have a pile of excuses as to why things aren’t happening or why all the things people liked about a legislation are magically gone when it Is actually put in place…lies and doublespeak, I feel like NY is historically the most corrupt state in the union.

NY does a LOT for it's "people". NO ONE in NYS goes without health insurance, and benefits for the poor are plentiful. Actually too good because we attract too many deadbeats because of all the benefits here. If you don't want to work, you can still live pretty damned well here.

Yes, they tax the f*** out of us, but the quality of life in NY is pretty damned good compared to a lot of states. The winters sure sucks though!!
It just seems like in my lifetime the bureaucrats seem to take forever to pass most things that shouldn’t be as complicated as they make it. But I guess that’s just in the nature of bureaucracies in general. NYS does have some great selling points though! Good education, benefits are readily available for the needy, you are right we should be thankful for what we have. But in regards to the marijuana laws they are fumbling the ball IMO.
It just seems like in my lifetime the bureaucrats seem to take forever to pass most things that shouldn’t be as complicated as they make it. But I guess that’s just in the nature of bureaucracies in general. NYS does have some great selling points though! Good education, benefits are readily available for the needy, you are right we should be thankful for what we have. But in regards to the marijuana laws they are fumbling the ball IMO.
Lol, everbody in nys is needy now. Sorry but i grew up in upstate and left when all the jobs dried up. No fracking? What a joke, and firearms, forgetaboutit. Only good memory of ny was the 18 year old drinking age.
cause and effect. nys wants to pay its lawyers that work so hard and have so many student loans to pay back. we need more criminals then. doctors need more gunshots holes to sew up. cops need more black head to bash in. no candy? no need for dentists. watch out for that free lollipop they're 'giving away' at the bank.

I would caution anyone in new york looking to grow to be careful. they want it a gray area for a fucking reason.

and HA it isn't about money (including time and cost and who gets the cash).
they want whatever they can get, and as much of it as they can, shame on you to the fullest extent, using anything they and will get you to say against you.

remember that everywhere all the time and I think you'll be fine..

So they're already working on setting up dispensaries that can sell weed sourced from farmers that are certified... and yet they've jumped right past their own rules and regulations for cultivation guidelines for med patients.

Its obvious its a money thing and not a helping out sick people thing. Total crooks..
"On February 22, 2022, Governor Kathy Hochul signed into law S.8084-A/A.9283-A, creating a new Adult-Use Conditional Cultivator license, authorizing eligible hemp growers to apply for a license to grow cannabis containing over 0.3% THC for the upcoming adult-use market. To be eligible to apply, the hemp grower must have been authorized to grow hemp under the Department of Agriculture and Markets Industrial Hemp Research Pilot Program and meet certain other requirements.
The law also creates a Conditional Adult-Use Processor license, authorizing eligible hemp processors to apply for a license to process and manufacture products containing over 0.3% THC for the upcoming adult-use market. To be eligible to apply an entity must have applied for a Cannabinoid Hemp Processor License before January 1, 2022, and hold an approved license issued by the Office of Cannabis Management. More information will follow from the Office regarding the Conditional Adult-Use Processing license in the coming weeks."

What dumbfounds me is how an out of state Major Canna Company can come in a start building 150 million dollar facility in Warwick NY ) google Cannabis Campus ) ... yet NO licenses have been allowed to apply for yet. I guess 150 mill will buy you a license.
My niece that lives in Brooklyn says people are growing weed all over right now. She can smell it in the hallway of her apartment.

I imagine that people will be having plants on balconies over the summer regardless of whether they get all the regulations in place. Nobody's going to do a damn thing over a few plants. Biggest worry is going to be having them stolen.
My niece that lives in Brooklyn says people are growing weed all over right now. She can smell it in the hallway of her apartment.

I imagine that people will be having plants on balconies over the summer regardless of whether they get all the regulations in place. Nobody's going to do a damn thing over a few plants. Biggest worry is going to be having them stolen.
I agree…I know as soon as I got my message card I started planning my grow, I’m definitely not broadcasting it, but like you said, no one is running around looking to bust self sustaining home growing med patients, and if they do I would consider that grossly abusing their power.
"RESOLVED, that the Board approves, by majority vote through the adoption of this resolution, to permit the
Office to file revised rulemaking with the New York State Department of State, in accordance with the State
Administrative Procedure Rules Act for the home cultivation of medical cannabis. "

The 'resolution' seems to say that they're approving the office to permit revised rules to the proposed medical cultivation laws, not adopting them as complete and legal.

If you look closely, over all of the information on these regulations, it isn't legal yet. The MRTA on the website states specifically until the rules are formally adopted its illegal. This is in complete contradiction to their own claims that 6 months after the initial proposed rules put in place (March 2021 or something like that) that it would be legal. They've made all sorts of moves to prolong it. It's funny - on the NORML website its claims the medical cultivation laws are already put in place, which is a strange situation considering its still illegal , I would wonder how an organization like NORML wouldn't know it..

In simple, they're stalling. One can only guess why..
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"RESOLVED, that the Board approves, by majority vote through the adoption of this resolution, to permit the
Office to file revised rulemaking with the New York State Department of State, in accordance with the State
Administrative Procedure Rules Act for the home cultivation of medical cannabis. "

The 'resolution' seems to say that they're approving the office to permit revised rules to the proposed medical cultivation laws, not adopting them as complete and legal.

If you look closely, over all of the information on these regulations, it isn't legal yet. The MRTA on the website states specifically until the rules are formally adopted its illegal. This is in complete contradiction to their own claims that 6 months after the initial proposed rules put in place (March 2021 or something like that) that it would be illegal. They've made all sorts of moves to prolong it. It's funny - on the NORML website its claims the medical cultivation laws are already put in place, which is a strange situation considering its still illegal , I would wonder how an organization like NORML wouldn't know it..

In simple, they're stalling. One can only guess why..
That's what I was afraid of, that they're just filing the regulations and not making them law..
They're not even doing that. They're filing regulations for filing the regulations. Fucked up huh
I just watched the YouTube video of the meeting, they're making the revised medical home cultivation regulations available for ANOTHER 45 day public comment period. So it seems anytime they revise the regulations they're going to make them available for public comment to see if they need to change them again? It probably won't even be legal this year..